Malignant Transformation

Sisyphean Conscience

SISYPHEAN CONSCIENCE, a Progressive Metal band born in the US released their debut album "Malignant […]
By Jessica Pearman
February 4, 2015
Sisyphean Conscience - Malignant Transformation album cover

SISYPHEAN CONSCIENCE, a Progressive Metal band born in the US released their debut album "Malignant Transformation" in October of 2014. Their name means "a mind in consent struggle". This struggle is what binds these long time friends to accomplish their goal in leaving their own mark in Metal. The band is self-described to "Combine catchy melodies and epic harmonies with heavy grooves and crushing brutality, Sisyphean Conscience compliments many aspects of metal, forming them into a unique sound".

"Malignant Transformation" comes in with nine tracks with a listening time of approximately 35 minutes. The first track "Banished" is a softer more deep sounding intro. This instrumental is perfect for starting off an album. The guitars and drums really take lead but bass is what keeps everything together. However, it's an odd intro for this album, simply because the album is really hard, fast and brutal, where track one is more laid back and melancholy.

All hell breaks loose when track two "ADND" begins and doesn't really subside until "Malignant Transformation". The musicianship is brilliant. I loved every minute of the brutal vocals, the exceptional riffs, hooks, and cords of the guitars, the deep bass, and the drums are incredible. There is so much to love about this album.

The vocals are really great, but super intense at times and at times takes away from the overall sound. Luckily, the vocals don't cover the music, so the potency of the music still shows through. The best tracks include "Banished", "Empty Threats", "Triumph" and "Malignant Transformation". All of which start a bit slower, but don't lose their brutality with the slower start. Each of these tracks drip with creativity and comprehensively written.

Creating such music used to be for the old timers. These guys blow that theory out the water. If you know music, you know music and these guys know it. This album deserves love and I can't wait to hear what else they are going to do.

10 / 10


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"Malignant Transformation" Track-listing:

1. Banished
3. Fallacies
4. Claptrap
5. Empty Threats
6. Triumph
7. Marauder
8. Onus
9. Malignant Transformation

Sisyphean Conscience Lineup:

Blaine Brun - Guitars
Garrett Haag - Drums, Vocals
Austin Haag - Bass
Taylor Gorman - Vocals

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