Sway For A Better Day


So folks we have something here that I think you will all enjoy very much, […]
By Michael Coyle
January 14, 2015
Sintax - Sway For A Better Day album cover

So folks we have something here that I think you will all enjoy very much, holding onto the Groove Metal spirit and keeping it alive for a new generation we have the mighty SINTAX with their latest release "Sway For A Better Day"!!!!

I've decided to start off today's review with the title track itself "Sway For A Better Day". So as the track starts off we are greeted with a familiar sound that in a large way sounds like "Five Minutes Alone" by PANTERA, but in it's own way it has a very strong punch that just grabs your attention without fail. The song itself is very concentrated on the political side of things as where we are now and how we got to where we are kind of vibe, so I guess in its own way it could be called Political Groove which is pretty badass, but I keep on coming to this one thing, nothing bad at all in fact far from it, the vocalist Yehi Zaken has a very powerful voice which every time I keep on listening sounds like a new age Phil Anslemo, and I have to say it is just incredible how similar they are it's just unreal.

So we now come to the next song which has really caught my attention the fourth track on this already heavy record, "Four More Years". So just like "Sway For A Better Day" there is that heavy power of Groove and raw energy but in a weird way there is also this SAINT VITUS vibe I keep on getting from the vocals which is just awesome, and something for me to enjoy as I love a bit of VITUS here and there. The combination of the guitars and bass are just intense though I have to say just because it has that raw energy that you would expect from a band such as SINTAX and I have to be very honest that this song is by far one of the most vicious I have heard so far folks.

So in conclusion. I think what we have here ladies and gentlemen is a raw and heavy example of a new age Groove sound that really gets you going. This entire record is built like nothing I have ever listened to before it and that is very much a good thing as this is truly a unique piece of raw force and energy brought together in one single blow to the face. I would definitely suggest this record and as well this band to any hardcore Groove Metal fans as this is something that is going to go very far very quickly.

10 / 10


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"Sway For A Better Day" Track-listing:

1. Intro
2. Sway For A Better Day
3. Let's Get Mental
4. Four More Years
5. Fine Line
6. The Answer
7. I Get It Now
8. Up For The Physical

Sintax Lineup:

Roi I. - Lead guitar
Lemmy K. - Rhythm guitar
Yehi Zaken - Vocal
Misha Kachkan - Bass
Nir Baruch - Drums

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