Maze of Madness
May 14, 2018

In your face gentlemen, everything you hear is by chicks. From Sao Paulo, Brazil and formed in 2010, SINAYA. "Maze of Madness" is the follow up to the ladies self-released E.P. in 2013. There aren't any AVRIL what's her face, crybaby, menstruating, tears of high school drama or boy crazed promiscuity. Nor is this any pansy KITTIE style either. This is in your face, don't fuck with me, pin you to a wall and bash in your skull metal. Gotta love it when skirts are more brutal than corpse paint wearing, arms folded, strutting men playing the same four power chords over and over.
SINAYA has got riffs, blasts, chugs, scrapes, growls, and screams. As far as vocals go she's got a higher pitched growl, but still enough to give Ms. OTEP a run for her money. What is really sick, get to about the one minute 27-second mark of the second track from "Maze of Madness," "Always Pain." It kicks it up a notch into a total frenzied overdrive with a pit brutality as hard as SLAYER. "Life Against Fate" has the same style and starts out slammin'. The kick and tom work is fantastic and the band dynamic is on point. A little delay and verb on lyrical accents echo's the halls with dripping low growls. The middle of the track has some serious groove and stomp rhythm while the overdubbed guitar provides a melody that is soaked in the depiction of a sufferers torment. "Maze of Madness" has a great production skill that albums as of late have lacked, YOU CAN HEAR THE BASS GUITAR. This is another one of those albums that seriously makes me want to gnaw and tear apart a red solo cup with my teeth.
I feel an energetic agitation. Which I believe is what this kind of music is supposed to instill. Great Job Ladies. SINAYA is not only going to be impressive by holding their own in a male-dominated genre, they are also a nice iced drink on a blistering summer day as far as refreshing goes as their musical diversity breaks up a lot of monotony and regurgitated playing. "Infernal Sight" has a nicely paced chug throughout the verses and as it transitions into a chorus line, there's some skilled drumming that needs to be acknowledged. While the riffs overall aren't technical the ease of digestion is ultimately satisfying. Showing some Gothic Metal influence in those lead like harmonies. The triplets are in unison and as tight as, hehe, I will leave that one open to interpretation. The long and deep tone of the word "Siiiight" at the end is a grand exit and answers the question, "Where's the beef?"
The vocals are what defines it as Death Metal, the playability label would be best suited as Extreme Metal mixed with Groove Metal. The low end is phenomenally heavy and is likely the cause of what is making me want to eat plastic. It's just as bowel rumbling as a bowl of chili. Remember Brazil gave birth to SEPULTURA. SINAYA is another member of the country's fine metal creating contributors. "Bath of Memories" slows down to start and focus more on open riff groove. The guitar tone is that which is highly sought after. Clear when distorted, great EQ, and totally full. At the 2 minute mark, the fast-paced pit ready swirl of sound jumps in. What is really great is how the music doesn't get sloppy with the increased pace. Typically it's the time where the cymbal work covers the sound of a guitarist's lack of control and you hear more fret noise or pick scrapes. Not here. Stays as tight as what we discussed earlier.
The audio quality through the PC is top notch, in the car the vocals were a little over elevated but muddy and I didn't feel the bass as much as I heard it. But it's metal, not 808 dropping electronics, so I will say on a stock system, it'd be just fine. O.K. guys don't get all hard on em or too intimidated to give SINAYA a listen. It's ok to like it. These ladies are more brutal than most men and their skills as musicians are at or if not above par.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Maze of Madness" Track-listing:
1. Life Against Fate
2. Abyss to Death
3. Always Pain
4. Bath of Memories
5. Crowd in Panic
6. Infernal Sight
7. Deep in the Grave
8. Buried by Terror
Sinaya Lineup:
Mylena Monaco - Vocals/Guitar
Renata Petrelli - Guitar
Bruna Melo - Bass
Cynthia Tsai - Drums
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