Inside Internal Infinity


Here's a German band that plays Power Metal. But SILVERLANE does one thing different. Which […]
By Metal Wim
April 1, 2022
Silverlane - Inside Internal Infinity album cover

Here's a German band that plays Power Metal. But SILVERLANE does one thing different. Which is, they sound as if they have employed all the instrumentalists of RAMMSTEIN to write and play on their album. The riffs do sound as if they have been invented by the guitar players of that Industrial Metal band. But also, it is a way of implementing the clinical percussion and the staccato guitar sounds, all the time being supported by the very delicate and deliberate keyboards. All the elements together have been presented to the public and they make me feel like "Inside Internal Infinity" is an amalgamation of a lot of influences being forged into a very impressive piece of art.

Of course, the biggest difference is the voice. Although they sometimes use the low talking voice, it is the very recognisable and good sounding vocal chords that make sure you know that this is SILVERLANE. Especially on the best songs on the album, which are the very heavy though melodic "Blessed", the very accessible "Hero Inn Sunset Club", the enticing sounds of "Leviathan Rising" and most of all the very mystical and threatening "Medusa". In all of these the band showcases that they are very aware of the fact what a good song should entail.

That is not to say that the rest of the album is any less, only just not as impressive as those tunes. Okay, I admit it, I also really like "Für Immer Und Ewig". Not only because of the use of female vocals, but this song just has that element of Gothic and Industrial that give it and extra dimension. All together SILVERLANE has been able to give us a good piece of music that lasts some 41 minutes. As this is their third full length album it begs the question how they sounded in the past. They were very active in the noughties up and until 2010, after which they split up to raise their respective families. The band themselves see this as SILVERLANE 2.0, and quite rightly so.

What's more important to you as a listener is that the influences I described are very much there, but the more you listen to it the more you realise that this is a sound that is very fitting for SILVERLANE. My scepsis has been replaced by a feeling of joy when I listen to "Inside Internal Infinity". And that's how it should be.

8 / 10









"Inside Internal Infinity" Track-listing:

1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2. I Universe
3. Blessed
4. Hero Inn Sunset Club
5. Leviathan Rising
6. Medusa
7. Soul Of Tears
8. Scorched Earth
9. Für Immer Und Ewig (Feat. Patty Gurdy)
10. Life To Die For |

Silverlane Lineup:

Tom Klossek - Vocals
Uli Holzermer - Lead Guitar
Chris Alexander - Guitar
Daniel Saffer - Bass
Basti Kirchdörfer - Drums, Percussion

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