Brethren of the Coast


And no, although they sing about war and such “Brethren of the Coast” could not just as easy have been a SABATON or MANOWAR record. This is much too heavily into the Melodic Heavy Metal meets Power Metal range, without ever becoming too epic.
February 16, 2024

SILVERBONES is an Italian band from the region of Treviso in Italy. They play NWOTHM missed with a little bit of Power and Speed Metal mixed in. They have been active since 2013 and with “Brethren of the Coast” they are presenting us their second studio album. Their debut “Wild Waves” is from 2016. Seven and a half years later, on November 23rd 2023 the one I am reviewing now was dropped on (I suspect) a very unsuspecting world. METAL TEMPLE have bestowed the honour of doing just this to my humble person. And I gladly oblige.

Why? Because this is very simple and straightforward Heavy Metal. No funny twists, no difficult riffs or breaks, no unforeseen tricks and turns that jump at you when you’re not expecting it. This is as simple, but also as effective as bands like AC/DC, MOTÖRHEAD and SAXON are (or used to be). Just so you know, SILVERBONES have not tried to do anything new, but they have succeeded in bringing their music in such a way that I am tapping my right foot, nodding my head and trying to mime along to the lyrics. If that doesn’t shout effective, I don’t know what does.

I know, fighting talk, but that is also fine when it comes to SILVERBONES, as all of their songs deal with or have the subject of fighting, wars or battles. I always feel like I know a lot about my own country (The Netherlands), but I had to look up what “The Battle of Texel” was about. It turns out there were several, but this one is about that of 1795, when the French frogs took over our country. And no, although they sing about war and such “Brethren of the Coast” could not just as easy have been a SABATON or MANOWAR record. This is much too heavily into the Melodic Heavy Metal meets Power Metal range, without ever becoming too epic.

As for a conclusion that I need to put down for “Brethren of the Coast”. It is a decent record with rather good songs, but never do they capture my imagination, let alone my heart. SILVERBONES play solid Heavy Metal, or should I say NWOTHM, but are not exceptional in any way. So, if those classifications do sound interesting to you, don’t let my judgement stop you. On the contrary, go ahead and maybe you can find a way to have you eat my words.

7 / 10









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"Brethren of the Coast" Track-listing:


1 Winds of Reprisal (Intro)
2 Raise the Black
3 Granite Heart
4 Brethren of the Coast
5 Headless Rider
6 Dead Men Tell No Tales
7 The Battle of Texel
8 Die for the Crown
9 Invincible Armada

Silverbones Lineup:


Lorenze Vicenzo Nocerino –vocals
Eric Antonello – lead guitars
Marco Salvador – rhythm guitars
Andrea Franceschi – bass, backing vocals
Fabio Tomba – drums

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