Rise From Ashes

Silent Force

With this new CD titled "Rise From Ashes", it shows that SILENT FORCE isn't only […]
By YngwieViking
December 3, 2013
Silent Force - Rise From Ashes album cover

With this new CD titled "Rise From Ashes", it shows that SILENT FORCE isn't only a vehicle for Alex Beyroth fret boards ego or a shredding fest fantasy but a real super band with a real musical direction, thanks to the smart addition in the lineup of an new / ex / old related collaborator of the band, the one and only Michael Bormann. This fact, enhanced by the top quality musicianship displayed all along the running time boosted by the crisp and powerful mix of the first order by Achim Köhler (PRIMAL FEAR / AT VANCE / KROKUS) normally with this quote only, it should be enough to convinced you to run to preorder this album that is set for release in Mid-December. It's not enough? You need to be more informed and teased? Ok then. You asked for it.

First, who the hell is Michael Bormann, well: Michael Bormann (REDRUM / ZENO / ex-LETTERX / ex-THE SYGNET / ex-BLOODBOUND / ex-CHARADE) is a great vocalist, in my book is one of the most interesting contemporary singer in the Euro Metal scene, with his pure and warm vocal delivery, he's capable of soaring for a higher register but also able to reach down in the most pristine manner and obviously deliver his signature mid-ranged with heart and soul, somewhere between Joe Elliot and Harry Hess, with a Steve Overland or a J. L. Turner flavor from time to time. Michael is also often seen as a mercenary and the truth is that this guy is really busy as hell, and that he hold a real leadership position and a damn positive image when it comes to select a great vocalizer either for a project or a recording, with at the end the risk to be overexposed like it was the case with J.S.S. / Goran Edman or recently with Mark Boals or Mats Leven (could have been presented as an ex- Y.J.MALMSTEEN's lead singer disease?).

This album is the fifth SILENT FORCE's release and the first since 2007's last "Walk The Earth", the band was put on ice by Alex Beyroth after some turmoils in his personal life and the departure of original vocalist : the American citizen D.C. Cooper !I always considered SILENT FORCE, as a continuation of THE SYGNET's 1998's "Children Of The Future" album is featuring 3/4 of the SILENT FORCE crew, and it's a still recommended platter, but I also always ranged SILENT FORCE under a sub category as second knife kind of band, I wasn't totally convinced even while it was fronted by the mighty D.C. Cooper (ROYAL HUNT), the players were always more than competent but , as it's the case with VOODOO CIRCLE (the other side project of PRIMAL FEAR / SINNER's main man Alex Beyroth), the songwriting seems a little too predictable and too cliché. But today with the glorious return of former THE SYGNET's vocalist Michael Bormann and this new album called "Rise From Ashes", I'm glad to say that isn't valid anymore.

The mix of influences is more integrated than before, the Malmsteenian fast run licks ("Caught In Their Wicked Game") are uplifted by the Fat riffage that can recall at the same time the German Melodic Metal ("There Ain't No Justice" / "Kiss Of Death") or the classy US Power Metal ("Living To Die"/ "Anytime Anywhere")  in the style of QUEENSRYCHE) with ultra-melodic chorus and some of the most eminent Bormann's typical harmonized vocals since JADED HEART's legendary "IV". Of course, the new team is technically brilliant, yet each and every member belongs to others bands and bigger projects ,and the interaction links in between the musicians career are numerous and quite complicated, Indeed if those high profile acts like RAGE / SINNER / PRIMAL FEAR / POWERWORLD / JADED HEART / EDEN'S CURSE can be within this comparison while speaking of SILENT FORCE new members, and from the outside, it could looks like a playground for a bunch of hired guns under a mob duty or another dull all-star project, but in the end the album reveal a strong spirit and an uplifted method while combining fast paced pulsating groove provided by André Hilgers with some high density riffs ("Born To Be A Fighter"), discreet but efficient Keys ("Circle Of Trust" / "Before You Run") and many Melodic hooks ("Turn Me Loose") in a brand new and barely seen alloy.

Another good contender for the traditional Top 20 upcoming battle: Category Melodic Power Metal. 

8 / 10


"Rise From Ashes" Track-listing:

1. Caught In Their Wicked Game
2. There Ain't No Justice
3. Circle Of Trust
4. Living To Die
5. Before You Run
6. You Gotta Kick It
7. Turn Me Loose
8. Born To Be A Fighter
9. Anytime Anywhere
10. Kiss Of Death

Silent Force Lineup:

Alex Beyrodt - Lead Guitar
Michael Bormann - Vocals
Mat Sinner - Bass
Alessandro Del Vecchio - Keyboards
André Hilgers - Drums

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