Psychodelic Death
Sign Of Evil
June 26, 2022

Chilean Death Metal... Now this is something new even for me, and I have to say I am living for new things at the moment. SIGN OF EVIL has released their debut album, "Psychodelic Death" in May of this year, following on from the successes of their demo, "Psychodelic Horror", back in 2020. The artwork is pretty jazzy, like street art you might see sprayed on a wall. It stands out and is something totally different.
"Bad Trip" opens the record with fury. Fanatic guitars propel the track forward with a furious pace, whilst distorted and warped vocals swirl around, really giving track some substance to allow it to live up to is name. The titular "Psychodelic Death" continues this barrage of heavy and disturbing tracking, as those fanatic guitars continue their assault against my speakers, and whilst the music makes for pleasant enough listening, it just doesn't really jump out at me. "Serpent Poison" again, is seemingly pulled from the exact same blueprint. Some energetic and running riffs that don't really offer too much up, coupled with a fairly standard Black / Death Metal drum tracking is not offering too much to excite me yet.
"August 8th MMXIX" seems to change up a bit, but still the music is very rudimental and I don't see much in the form of flourishes or, for lack of a better term, a unique selling point. Nothing is making me go 'wow, this is great!'. "Die" once again just assaults you over and over with a relentless barrage of mediocrity. In fact, it is feeling at times as though this music was put out there by those guys who just wanted to make something 'heavy'. "Into The Unknown", now here we go. We have something with a little more substance to it, the guitars finally doing a little bit more than just battering away and showing that there is more to SIGN OF EVIL than has been shown so far. My only bad point for this track? It was over too soon. "Rusted Nail" as the finale, takes elements displayed throughout and actually again shows a good variety of musical techniques and some more mature structuring to create a pretty good track.
Overall, I wouldn't say that "Psychodelic Death" is bad per se, I just personally found it a little bit boring eventually. I'm happy to have it on as some background music whilst I do chores or other pieces of work I need to get done. But would I go out of my way to listen to this? Probably not.
5 / 10

"Psychodelic Death" Track-listing:
1. Bad Trip
2. The Consequence Of Your Actions
3. Psychodelic Death
4. Serpent Poison
5. When The Day Arrives
6. Anonymous
7. The War Is Now
8. August 8th MMXIX
9. The Underground
10. Die
11. Slow Death
12. Into The Unknown
13. Rusted Nail
Sign Of Evil Lineup:
Witchfucker - Vocals / Guitar / Bass
Thoth - Drums
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