Blinded Nation

Sick Faith

With so much attention being shown to the feverishly passionate Metal fans of South America […]
By David "Capt. Fury" Garlow
December 2, 2013
Sick Faith - Blinded Nation album cover

With so much attention being shown to the feverishly passionate Metal fans of South America and so many DVD's coming out in recent years from that region from some of metals biggest names, it only makes sense that more bands are coming into the metal universes conscious from there as well. Thrashers SICK FAITH hails from Columbia with their full-length debut CD "Blinded Faith". The band has previously released two EPs 2009's "Thrash Metal Has Returned" and 2012's "Agents of War".

The CD begins with the sounds of boots marching and former U.S. President George Bush's speech announcing the beginning of military operations with coalition forces against Sadam Hussein. It is the opening track "Wars Prelude-Endless War" and what follows is a primal, guttural scream and some raw guitars evoking memories of some early ANTHRAX. The war themes pretty much dominate this CD and the band shows a lot of promise although I would not say they are quite there yet for world domination. They are not breaking any new ground here and the anger factor will thrill anyone looking to lash out and get rid of some aggression.

As I listened, I honed in on the guitars and backlines, the ingredients are all there for some severe thrash to come, and this one offers up a lot of great raw thrash without a lot of overworked production on the sound, which in itself is what is best about this CD. This is the band you walk into a random show somewhere while they are on the stage and blows you away, the kind that makes you want more. Some major head bangers that stand out are track 1 which may be the CD's best track, and track 7 "Killing Scorn" which has a wicked off-tune guitar chord start that quickly engages into full-blown in-your-face Thrash that may define the bands future potential.

If SICK FAITH keeps its current line-up and continues to grow and build from this very cool first effort, the world may indeed be their stage. Pure, raw, aggressive, and promise makes this album well worth checking out and should cure your taste for war.

6 / 10

Had Potential

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"Blinded Nation" Track-listing:

1. War's Prelude
2. Endless War
3. Blindfolded
4. Tyrannical Government Model
5. Slag's Justice
6. Ashes of Illusions
7. Forgotten Humanity
8. Killing Scorn
9. Unborn Condemned

Sick Faith Lineup:

Oscar Cèspedes - Vocals / Lead Guitars
Camilo Millan - Drums
Andrés F. Garzón - Lead Guitars
William Gutierrez - Bass / Backing Vocals

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