

For fans of Hard Rock, I would categorize this as such, but also with a meaner edge, and some Stoner elements. That is neither here nor there, it just helps the listener get a gauge for the music. Much of their sound is rooted in the Grunge bands of the 90’s, but they take it a step further with a snarl and with attitude.
September 11, 2024

From Bandcamp, “SHUN’s style manages to be thoughtful...without giving in to self-indulgence or pretense, and their debut offers high- grade, dynamic, melodic heavy rock that resounds with purpose, taking familiar elements and pushing them beyond simplistic genre confines." From their EPK, “SHUN step forward with “Dismantle” and declare their meld of styles, able to push, pull, crash down loud or recede into float as they will. That they’d wield such command in their craft likely won’t be a surprise to those who took on the self-titled, but among the things “Dismantle” undoes, it strips the listener of expectations and replaces them with its unflinching creativity and refreshingly forward-looking take.”

The album has ten songs, and “Blind Eye” is first. It eases in before a heavy riff takes over. The vocals are smooth and melodic, but the backbone of the song is strong. The combination of weight and melody are nicely done. “Aviator” has more playful tones, but still a heavy edge to it, and I hear some Grunge influences in the sound. It goes a bit deeper and darker than the previous song but the melody is still the main focus. “Horses” has a heavy swing and groove to it, and although the main riff is simple, it’s also effective in getting the melodies pushed through to the listener. “Drawing Names” has a slower groove to it, as well as some Stoner elements in the music.

“Storms” has a gentler sound, and, although it is on the darker side of music in general, the smooth tones pass over you like a cool breeze. “NRNS” is shorter, faster, and even more weighted. One thing that I just noticed recently about the album is that the production matches their down-tuned chords. “You’re the Sea” is a real bruiser…slow, heavy, and depressive, especially from those meaty bass notes that carry much of the early melody. “The Getaway” has a raucous energy that reminds me of FOO FIGHTERS. The vocals and the riff snarl, while the bass and drums work together to hold down the bottom end. “Interstellar” closes the album. Thick bass notes combine with whispered vocals. It reminds me of something that I was smoke to mellow me out.

For fans of Hard Rock, I would categorize this as such, but also with a meaner edge, and some Stoner elements. That is neither here nor there, it just helps the listener get a gauge for the music. Much of their sound is rooted in the Grunge bands of the 90’s, but they take it a step further with a snarl and with attitude.


7 / 10









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"Dismantle" Track-listing:

1. Blind Eye

2. Aviator

3. Horses

4. Drawing Names

5. Storms


7. You're the Sea

8. The Getaway

9. Through the Looking Glass

10. Interstellar


Shun Lineup:

Matt Whitehead – Guitar, Vocals

Rob Elzey – Drums

Jeff Baucom – Bass


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