Chapter One

Everyone knows that, the more time it lasts, a Metal genre become full of subgenres, and to put one or another band under the same genre becomes hard. Under the flag of Doom Metal, one can say that TROUBLE, PENTAGRAM, SAINT VITUS, WITCHFINDER GENERAL and CANDLEMASS aren’t the same thing (but all of them are Doom Metal acts), and are extremely different from acts as MY DYING BRIDE as well, but all of them are, in the most simple sense, Doom Metal bands. And such thing brings the writers to establish differences on their reviews (even without the idea of creating new labels). And it’s needed as well to speak about “Chapter One”, the first full-length (and first release, too) of the German quintet SHAYTAN.
The band brought Charles Greywolf (the famous bassist/guitarist of POWERWOLF, and the owner of He runs a recording studio, called Studio Greywolf, and already worked with names as GLORYFUL and POWERWOLF as well) for the recording, mixing and mastering of “Chapter One”. The album sounds simple and organic (due the choice of the instrumental tunes), with that abrasive feeling that is usual for traditional Doom Metal releases; but always with things clean and defined as they must be, what means that the sonority is really excellent. And Ralf Gädicke is the one who signs the art for the cover, using a simple set of colors to reinforce the idea that it’s a Doom Metal act in the classic sense of the genre (and the layout signed by Simone A. Peruzzi and Jowita Kamińska-Peruzzi is very good as well).
The words above don’t leave doubts: the quintet works on a classic format of Doom Metal, having names as BLACK SABBATH, SAINT VITUS, TROUBLE, THE OBSESSED and other pioneers of the genre as their main inspirations. But don’t be deceived by the words: these guys have guts to work on a personal way into the genre, filling their songs with melodic elements and some little touches from what acts as SOUNDGARDEN and MONSTER MAGNET did. And be prepared for the impact of their music, because it’s really very good!
The album presents 9 very good songs, depicting an amazing potential to be used in the future. But for now, songs as “Shaytan” (excellent crushing guitar riffs filled with groove are filling all the spaces), “Salting the Earth” (some traces of Stoner Metal can be heard in the greasy instrumental lines, but always as heavy as Doom Metal must sound, and good vocals can be heard), “Speaking in Tongues” (what lovely and catchy melodies can be heard on the arrangements laying on a heavy rhythm work from bass guitar and drums), “Darvaza” (another moment when the ‘sabbathic’ side of Doom Metal becomes evident on the guitars’ work), and “Samsara” (a more clean and introspective song filled with melancholy and versatility inherited from NWOBHM acts) will conquer the hearts of all Doom Metal fans.
“Chapter One” is just the beginning, and the more SHAYTAN becomes experienced as a band, the more the quintet will deliver a fantastic work for its fans.
8 / 10

"Chapter One" Track-listing:
- Shaytan
- Salting the Earth
- Speaking in Tongues
- Tabula Rasa
- The Sleepless Eye (instrumental)
- Darvaza
- Embers Glow
- Diaspora (instrumental)
- Samsara
Shaytan Lineup:
Julian Küster - Vocals, Organ
Jan Paul - Guitars
Jochen Klose - Guitars
Thorsten Jacob - Bass
Kai Schneider - Drums
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