February 27, 2024

From Sydney, Australia come SHATTERFACE with their debut EP "Anodize". The band is a trio (Robert King - vocals, Tim Goss - guitars and James Walker - bass) plus a drum machine. Yes, there is no live drummer here, SHATTERFACE claim to play Industrial/Groove Metal so the artificially sounding rhythm is something that is usual for their style. So let's see what these Aussies have to offer...
The beginning is set by "Bitter Days" and from the first seconds you can hear the strong FEAR FACTORY/STATIC-X influence. The guitar riffs are heavy yet simple, the throbbing bass lines can be heard clearly and the vocals of Robert King are harsh but not too extreme (deep growls or something like that), you can understand what he is singing. Of course there are the keyboards that give a certain atmosphere to the whole music. The following "Devoid of Life" has a stronger bass presence and there are synth passages that reminds me of COMBICHRIST to some extent, this track is definitely more electronic than the opening one. At times SHATTERFACE have some MARILYN MANSON vibes which is not a bad thing if you like Brian Worner's music which I don't. Track number three "Eternal Nothing" is an example of that, it is more energetic and with some almost dance music moments. This song also offers a guitar solo which is a welcomed variety compared to the guitar work as a whole in this EP. The final track is "Sand and Blood" which is slower, has some heavy guitar riffs and the dry voice of Robert King who ends the record with the refrain "Our hope shines bright". Good for you, guys.
The sound production of "Anodize" is what is the big problem in this EP. The drum machine sound is too upfront, the guitars sound weak and there isn't much of the blasting energy that is typical for bands like FEAR FACTORY for example. The band presents their music on Facebook as quote: "An audible shockwave tearing a hole in the fabric of digital reality..." but I don't feel that shockwave at all. I suppose that this music sounds much better presented live than on an album. Anyway, having in mind that SHATTERFACE is a very new band, they have their flaws that they have to correct in the future if they want to be something more than just another band in the sea of thousands.
5 / 10

"Anodize " Track-listing:
1. Bitter Days
2. Devoid of Life
3. Eternal Nothing
4. Sand and Blood
Shatterface Lineup:
Robert King - vocals
Tim Goss - guitars
James Walker - bass
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