Through The Ashes

Shahyd Legacy

SHAHYD LEGACY is a four-piece band, but it really revolves around one man, and one […]
By Aaron E.
March 30, 2015
Shahyd Legacy - Through The Ashes album cover

SHAHYD LEGACY is a four-piece band, but it really revolves around one man, and one man only: Shahyd Legacy himself. He's a guitarist who is clearly influenced by great guitar gods like Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Michael Angelo and even Yngwie Malmsteen. He's a shredder, a solo guitarist who plays a kind of Instrumental Metal that shows close resemblances to Power Metal. Bands like FIREWIND and DRAGONFORCE show a lot of similarities with especially the efforts of guitarists Shahyd Legacy and Iku. They keep on shredding and shaking epic Power Metal riffs out of their sleeves throughout the whole album.

Actually, thanks to those two guys, and thanks to the solid Bass playing of Katarey and the heavy banging drums of Mukey, you won't hear a single bad song on their brand new album, called Through The Ashes. Actually, you will hear some really good ones. The opener, "Fading of the Cries" sets the bar, and sets it pretty high. "Into The Light" and "Theory of a lost soul" rock just as hard, but then it all kind of falls apart a little. When singer Usham joins them for the fourth song, "Delirium", they start to sound like an unconventional mix of Power Metal and Death Metal. The singer is grunting throughout the whole song, and it doesn't do it any favors, at all. It sounds a little like MESHUGGAH, but it's a combination that just doesn't work for them.

The song after that is a miss as well. I don't know who sings in it, because it's not mentioned, but it's not very good. You can understand the lyrics, I'll give him that, it's just that he doesn't sing very well, it sounds rather forced. After that everything is fine again, until Usham joins them a second time in "Through The Ashes". Luckily they say goodbye doing what they do best: rocking out and shredding with "Before I Die". It's a pity about those three songs with the poor vocals, cause the music is really good, but in the end, the album certainly is a solid one, and you won't regret checking it out.

7 / 10


"Through The Ashes" Track-listing:

1. Fading of the Cries
2. Into The Light
3. Theory of a Lost Soul
4. Delirium
5. Touch the Sky
6. Nocturnal Waltz
7. Blood Throne
8. Lost Without You
9. Enter Annihilation
10. Through The Ashes
11. Before I Die

Shahyd Legacy Lineup:

Shahyd Legacy - Guitars
Iku - Guitars
Katarey - Bass
Mukey - Drums

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