January 24, 2015

Every album is a new journey. Some shows us a blood-stained butcher floor, other the peace of heaven. But where are we going? Portuguese SHADOWSPHERE invites us to the "Darklands". So taste darkness with me! We're going to feast with Nosferatu; some pople will once again! Because it's their re-recorded debut album from year 2004 which had warm welcome from the metal community. Others will hear them for first time, just like me. This version, released on November 8th, does not contain first 5 track from previous record, but still our journey is going to be 37 minutes long so welcome aboard!
I call this album as Melodic Thrash/Death. All songs are fast and full of energy. Written in solid style, it gives us constant flow of power. This power together with rapid pace, makes "Darklands" entertaining. Some embellishments were made to the music, and they build atmosphere with prefaces ( like in "At the Gates" and "Nosferatu") and preludes ("Of Passion and Pain" and "Hunters Prelude"). But you know what is sad? When we subtract these preludes and outro ("Love never dies") , we stay with only 5 tracks. Well, I'm ok with that, because quality will be always be more important than quantity, although you may be left wanting. As for improvements, actually, there are no especially memorable moments. My mind wasn't blown away at all. Overall, the music could be more fancier. I have nothing more to condemn; It's solid work, with good production, great power and atmosphere.
What I want to point out, is that reworks aren't common in any underground scene, simply because of costs. SHADOWSPHERE did nod in the direction of their fans, and their work had been noted once again. "Darklands" is nicely told story, that actually many of you might like to know; this album should be held in appreciation.
7 / 10

"Darklands" Track-listing:
1. Nosferatu
2. Into The Lungs Of Hell
3. ...Of Passion And Pain
4. At The Graves
5. Carfax In Flames
6. Hunters Prelude
7. The Everlasting Dream
8. Love Never Dies
Shadowsphere Lineup:
Paulo Gonçalves
Luis Miguel Goulão
Ricardo Trincheiras
Luis Miguel Santos
André Silva - Live Drummer
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