The Great Escape
Seventh Wonder
November 21, 2010

SEVENTH WONDER is back with a new album entitled "The Great Escape". First off, it is all over the place. I know progressive Metal is supposed to be complex, but I honestly don't think they could play a song from this album the same way twice if they had to. The singer has a nice crystal clear voice and that's a good thing. The worse my hearing gets, the more a nice clean production is welcomed by me. The boys in SEVENTH WONDER are out to prove themselves and in so doing they may have gone too far, I can't say for sure that they over did it; but how many people listen to thirty minute songs on a daily basis? I don't see what the point is. It's a turn off and a self congratulatory exercise in over playing. I cannot remember the last time someone said to me "Hey Jon, did you hear this song that lasts for half an hour?". It's not going to happen. That said, it is ok, it's just too much to expect people to listen to more than once.
The guitar work is excellent, especially the high pitched soling. I love the drum sound. The bass is completely buried in the mix. I mean, you can hear it making the backbone of the music, but you can't hear individual notes being plucked too hard (Steve Harris) it is my understanding after talking to several of my Metal friends that this band is awesome at what they do and I can honestly say that I see that. Complexity is expected in progressive Metal. You will find it hear with nice nuances such as the Baroque style in the orchestration not so much in the vocals but in the instrumentation of the time. Those nuances are here in small doses and I know I am listening to scholars of classical music. They are a lot of piano break downs right after a few crushing power chords. Just when you are ready to fly, they pull you back to the ground. Being progressive in nature, that can be forgiven.
I do believe there is a little bit too much self back patting (patting yourself on the back) going on here, but I am a Power Metal guy. So I will just come out and say it. They have absolutely stunning classic piano styles. I cannot deny how well all the classical elements blend together seamlessly. It is a remarkable achievement in this age. I can't help but warm up to this album. It's inescapable. I hope others find this to be even better than I do since this is out my main genre, but it is very good. I almost forgot to mention the songwriting. It is top notch The subject matter reminds me of medieval times. All the perfect sounds are there, but they morph into each other and come out sounding like something else altogether. I find that slightly disappointing.
Overall, if you like music that's all over the place with constantly changing tempos. Sometimes several times in just one song then this is the album for you. Progressive Metal fans will eat this up. Listen closely and you will see what I mean about the music being all over the place. I would skip it if I was a Heavy Metal fan. This is for DREAM THEATER fans. Enjoy it if you like their samples from their MySpace page.
7 / 10
"The Great Escape" Track-listing:
- Wiseman
- Alley Cat
- The Angelmaker
- King Of Whitewater
- Long Way Home
- Move On Through
- The Great Escape
Seventh Wonder Lineup:
Andreas Blomqvist - Bass
Johan Liefvendahl - Guitar
Tommy Karevik - Vocals
Andreas Söderin - Keyboards
Johnny Sandin - Drums
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