Mercy Falls

Seventh Wonder

Mercy Falls is the third full-length album by the Swedish Prog metallersSEVENTH WONDER and I […]
By Nikos Nezeritis
October 2, 2008
Seventh Wonder - Mercy Falls album cover

Mercy Falls is the third full-length album by the Swedish Prog metallersSEVENTH WONDER and I deem that this one is surely a brilliant proof that this band is one of the most promising and talented Prog bands of the 00's. Having gained the invaluable experience of sharing the stage with monsters such as QUEENSRYCHE and TESTAMENT, I think it's now the time to show that their work surely deserves to be heard and hopefully not only by prog fans.
In an attempt to give a rough description of their style, I would say that it is something like SHADOW GALLERY meets SYMPHONY X meets DREAM THEATER (as if any modern Prog band could avoid this) meets...inspiration, personality and good taste. Hence, the final output sounds quite fresh and honest and I think it would appeal to many Metal fans.
Although I don't have the lyrics of this album, the impression I got is that it is a concept record dealing with the deep and personal subject of a troubled family situation that unfortunately has a really unhappy ending. More accurately, there's a fatal car accident in which a man loses control of the car after his wife announces to him that the child he once thought it was his, it really isn't.
So, the songs try to scrutinize the emotions of the people involved in this situation and maybe wonder about the mysterious nature of emotions. As far as the musical context is concerned, all songs are so rich and full of melodies sometimes led by the keys and others by the guitar never letting the high technicality to take hold of them and result to narcissistic, exaggerating fifteen minute parts of Hey Ma' look what I can do-like soloing. However, all players are very skilled and their musicianship is high beyond any doubt.
If I was to bitch about something this would only be the fact that there is DREAM THEATER's Home rhythm pattern on Destiny Calls but let me take it as a little tribute to their mentors since it only lasts for a few seconds. Oh! And last I forget, The Black Parade is a hell of a song.

8 / 10


"Mercy Falls" Track-listing:

A New Beginning
There And Back
Welcome To Mercy Falls
Tears For A Father
A Day Away
Tears For A Son
Fall In Line
Break The Silence
Hide And Seek
Destiny Calls
One Last Goodbye
Back In Time
The Black Parade

Seventh Wonder Lineup:

Andreas Blomqvist - Bass
Johan Liefvendahl - Guitar
Tommy Karevik - Vocals
Andreas Sderin - Keyboards
Johnny Sandin - Drums

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