Septisk Eradikasyon


SEPTAGE is a Goregrind band hailing from Copenhagen. "Septisk Eradikasyon" is the band's second EP, […]
By Alex Barnard
September 24, 2021
Septage - Septisk Eradikasyon album cover

SEPTAGE is a Goregrind band hailing from Copenhagen. "Septisk Eradikasyon" is the band's second EP, released by Dark Descent Records on August 13, 2021.

Clocking in at just under 12 minutes, this EP is very messy, which is a compliment for a Goregrind band. Everything about this release recalls the malodorous glory of "Reek of Putrefaction"-era CARCASS, from the pummeling riffs to the demonic vocals that are indistinguishable yet presumably sewing tales of bodily dismemberment and other horrifying acts. Of course, the production is lacking, but Goregrind bands get a free pass for bad mixes because the whole point is for the music to sound like a wall of noise. So, in essence, the mix is actually spot on.

It's kind of hard to pick highlights from this track list, as everything blends together in the noisy mayhem SEPTAGE have created here. But if I had to pick a few, "Of Gangrene Limbs" and "Simmered in Mephitis" stand out the most because of the chunky riffs. Chugs, pinched harmonics, tremolo picking - it's all there, and Tobias' ability to switch between them at the drop of a hat is something that needs to be commended. My other favorite aspect of this EP is Tobias' tone. It's absolutely devastating - distorted almost to the point of fuzz but not entirely lacking clarity. I don't know what kind of witchcraft he used to get that tone, but man, as a tone freak, I'm jealous.

Overall, this is a good EP. Goregrind is a genre that has a very bizarre appeal, one that I would say is more or less lost on me. There's really no memorability with a genre as dedicated to pure shock value as Goregrind. However, the riffs are fantastic, and if you're looking for straight-up brutality, look no further than SEPTAGE.

5 / 10









"Septisk Eradikasyon" Track-listing:

1. Of Gangrene Limbs
2. Perpetual Fetid Odor
3. Sick Possessions
4. Simmered in Mephitis

Septage Lineup:

Malik - Bass, backing vocals
Ugur - Drums, lead vocals
Tobias - Guitars, backing vocals

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