Depths Of Death

Sentinel Beast

There are several advantages to releasing re-issues of classic albums, the main being it reaches […]
By Charlotte "Lotty" Whittingham
April 3, 2015
Sentinel Beast - Depths Of Death (Re-Issue) album cover

There are several advantages to releasing re-issues of classic albums, the main being it reaches out to a new generation of potential fans who weren't born when the original was released. The most recent re-issue to hit our shelves comes from Californian Thrash Metal band SENTINEL BEAST and they have re-issued "Depths Of Death" which has been described as a cult classic.

SENTINEL BEAST are a Bay Area Thrash Metal band that formed in 1984; discovered by SLAYER's one and only Kerry King they recorded this influential album. With stage appearances with SLAYER, KING DIAMOND and MEGADETH it seems like SENTINEL BEAST had a promising career ahead. Over the years they went their separate ways touring with different bands until 2007 when SENTINEL BEAST emerged back onto the scene with original vocalist Debbie Gunn at the front line.

Listening to this record for the second time today; I am starting to discover what SENTINEL BEAST are all about. Given that back in the eighties when they formed women in a Metal band were seen more of a gimmick rather than to be taken seriously; Debbie Gun no nonsense vocals show to me that she means business and is not to be messed with. Also admiring that she is practically up there with some of the pioneers of Thrash such as SLAYER and MEGADETH.

Other things about their music that create the perfect fusion of Thrash Metal are the blistering guitar techniques that I can imagine thousands of metal heads practicing their air guitar skills to. I also admire the solid drum work that provides the ideal back bone for SENTINEL BEAST.

I must at first I wasn't entirely taken by their sound but the more I listen to this re-issue I find myself starting to appreciate the elements of Thrash Metal and what it's all about. Personally Thrash Metal isn't the first thing I gravitate towards but I can say that fans of SENTINEL BEAST and Thrash Metal will find this re-issue a treat.

7 / 10


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"Depths Of Death" Track-listing:

1. Depths Of Death
2. Mourir
3. Dogs Of War
4. Corpse
5. Evil Is The Night
6. Sentinel Beast
7. Revenge
8. The Keeper
9. Phantom Of The Opera (Iron Maiden Cover)
10. Sentinel Beast (Bonus from Metal Massacre VII)

Sentinel Beast Lineup:

Current Line Up:

Debbie Gunn - Vocals
Steve Oliver - Bass
Mark Varian - Drums
Ken Korpi - Guitars
Jake Nunn - Guitars

Depths Of Death Line Up:

Debbie Gunn - Vocals
Michael Spencer - Bass
Scott Awes - Drums
Mark Koyasako - Guitars
Barry Fischel - Guitars

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