The Proclamation


Ready to hear a band that is pretty clearly influenced heavily by CANNIBAL CORPSE? storming […]
By Aaron "Five Magics" Price
January 15, 2015
Seduced - The Proclamation album cover

Ready to hear a band that is pretty clearly influenced heavily by CANNIBAL CORPSE? storming blastbeats, constant double bass, gruesome lyrics and a riff I was expecting to hear on "Skeletal Domain". Welcome to SEDUCED with their new album, "The Proclamation" an album spanning 16 songs long and being full of Death Metal influences. This was a nice surprise to me, I want to start off by pointing out how rare it is to get more than 10-12 songs on an album full of full length three minutes or longer songs. Now of course this only makes a difference if you're a fan of what would be considered "mainstream" Death Metal, elitists don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Now that all that is out of the way you might want to continue reading if you like bands like: CANNIBAL CORPSE, KATAKLYSM or even CARCASS, and don't worry I'll explain each of these bands I chose to relate them to.

Here comes the fun part, let's talk about songs. I'll start us off here with "Automatic Execution" this song full of KATAKLYSM's "hyperblast" drum beats, and CANNIBAL CORPSE riffs filled with squealies (I don't care if there's a more technical term for it, I've never heard anyone call it anything else), as well as some blatantly CANNIBAL CORPSE lyrics, talking about eating peoples flesh after execution. On another song, "A Defect In Mind", the bands instrumentals alternate between KATAKLYSM madness and some heavily MeloDeath CARCASS sections. As a little bonus I'll throw in the idea of DYING FETUS the vocals alternate between deep growls and high growls (not screams, far from screams but I can't think of a better term for it other than "high growls").

In the end, after listening through a few times I find it's best to listen to this album when you're busy with something. You'll find it helps pass time being a longer album, and you won't be skipping through songs and be able to find whatever you like in an album with so much to offer. Enjoy this one, it's pretty solid all the way through SEDUCED definitely don't blow their load to early on this.

8 / 10


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"The Proclamation" Track-listing:

1. Automatic Execution
2. Bloodfueled Hunter
3. A Defect In Mind
4. The Glorious Proclamation Of Eternal Damnation
5. I Am My Only God
6. The Tools Of Death
7. Begotten Through Sin
8. The Church Drowns In Blood
9. Obscured Nightmares
10. Sabrina
11. Demonic Mutation
12. Fading Away
13. The Living Forces Of Evil
14. Book Of Human Flesh
15. Kaosfiya
16. Sanctum Of The Devil, The King

Seduced Lineup:

Svart - Vocals
Craig - Guitarst
Dominik Bulfon - Guitar
Georg - Vocals, Bass

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