Black Untold

Sedate Illusion

Regarding the new album, it's really two separate albums, because each has their own artwork. […]
August 10, 2022
Sedate Illusion - Black Untold album cover

Regarding the new album, it's really two separate albums, because each has their own artwork. From their description, the first EP "Black Untold" "is more dark and depressing, conveying a great sense of loneliness and fear of dying or getting lost in the chaotic abyss of anxiety and anguish." The album contains four songs, with "Breathe" being the first. It definitely has a different feeling to it than the previous four songs. There is piano, and the vocals are dialed back a bit. The music is smoother and more solemn as well, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it depressing.

"Elevated" is a heavier song with a slow, lumbering pace and with copious amounts of keyboards. The middle section is melancholic and somewhat melodic, with a free flowing guitar solo, and it ends on a more majestic note. "Black Untold" features Lia Kolita on vocals. It features a quicker pace, and some hastier tones. The vocal harmonies are nicely done and the song feels cohesive. But the song ends just as it is getting going. "Inside the Void" closes the EP. It's definitely depressive as mentioned in the beginning. "The void" could refer to many this case I would say it is in his regret over a lost love, because nothing really hits as hard as that does.

Of the two Eps, "Black Untold" resonated more with me, perhaps because the songwriting is a little better. The moodier songs create a more interesting and satisfying sound. But overall, it still feels that some things are lacking. Perhaps that is dynamism in its purest form. There are some crescendos, but they are brief and never really reach fruition.Purchase Link:

5 / 10









"Black Untold" Track-listing:

1. Breathe
2. Elevated
3. Black Untold
4. Inside the Void

Sedate Illusion Lineup:

Vangelis Glavinas - Bass
Andreas Alamanos - Drums
Tasos Kibizis - Guitars
Vangelis Kakarougkas - All instruments, Vocals, Keyboards

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