Scream Arena

Scream Arena

The first thing that came to my head when "Scream Arena" kicked into action with […]
By Jessica Howkins
August 19, 2014
Left For Red - All Things Known And Buried album cover

The first thing that came to my head when "Scream Arena" kicked into action with "Born Ready" was that it's going to possibly be a bit cheesy however, throughout the release, I was made to eat my own hat.

These York boys prove they have it in them to be just like the guys on Sunset Strip, their music is fresh yet it's got such a classic stamp on it. The music is authentic and worthy to be played amongst the greats of LA GUNS, W.A.S.P and more.

"Scream Arena" has every element it needs to make it a great Hard Rock album. It has the tracks that are raunchy, that will make women want to throw off their underwear and prey on the nearest male, yet, it also has the tracks on it that slow everything down just that bit too, the ones that tug on your heart strings and make you immediately grab your hairbrush and turn it into your own heartbreak ballad.

SCREAM ARENA are a talented band that have held onto the music that inspired them to pick up their instruments and made it their own and kept it relevant with the times without losing the nostalgia this style of music brings with it.

In honesty, I absolutely love "Scream Arena" and every track to go with it. It reminds me of what it felt like to discover Hard Rock from the classic strip scene when I was around 13/14. It's always good to have bands you can discover that remind you of something in your past, music is being pumped out more than ever before and as great as that is - you can't relate anything to it in terms of nostalgia, now, SCREAM ARENA are a band I have no connection with in the past either but it has reminded me of my past somehow and how much I poured into my music to get me through the days.

"Scream Arena" screams fun, it's sexy, it's hot and it's something old but with something new - this album is absolutely wonderful.

7 / 10


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"Scream Arena" Track-listing:

1. Born Ready
2. The Price of Love
3. Racing to the End of Night
4. House of Pain
5. Heartbreak Hotel
6. Another Night in London Town
7. Knave of Hearts
8. Forever
9. Goodnight LA
10. Somewhere
11. Queen of Dreams
12. Heart of the Rock (Bonus)

Scream Arena Lineup:

Andy Paul - Vocals
Alex Mullings - Guitar
Phil O'Dea - Guitar
Lincoln J Roth - Bass
Michael Maleckyj - Drums

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