Mass Failure


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: SCORDATURA; signed via Gore House […]
By Craig Rider
November 20, 2020
Scordatura - Mass Failure album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: SCORDATURA; signed via Gore House Productions, hailing from Scottish grounds - performing Death Metal, on their 3rd Full-Length Album entitled: "Mass Failure" (released September 25th, 2020).

Since formation in 2005; the quartet in question have 8 Demos, "Genocidal Maniac '08 Demo" (released April 22nd, 2008); "Garrote" (released January 19th, 2009), "Pre Production EP 2010" (released October 31st, 2010); "Demo 2011" (released 2011), "Torment Of The Weak Bloodstock Open Air 2014 Promo CD" (released August 7th, 2014); "Confessions Inscribed" (July 30th, 2015). 1 EP: "Open Skies" (released November 28th, 2009); a Live Album: "Live In Edinburgh [Deadhaggis Deathfest]" (released May 12th, 2011) and 3 Full-Length Albums in their discography so far: "Torment Of The Weak" (released February 1st, 2013), "Self-Created Abyss" (March 24th, 2017) & the 3rd Album I'm introduced to entitled: "Mass Failure". 9 tracks ranging at around 34:11; the quartet in question arrange an intricately designed formula of some heavy-hitting Death Metal developments.

Opening up with the blistering barrage frenzy entitled: "Disease Of Mind"; SCORDATURA revels with this savagely primitive thunder on rawly rough synergy of extreme adrenaline, amplified chaos and boisterously bouncy mayhem. Progressive yet Tech-Death insanity rattle skulls with full force, grooving a gnarly fabrication on skyrocketing trailblazing that showcases a borderline foundation on punchy jumpiness & momentously killer laceration finesse that will make you air guitar while unleashing this uncontrollable urge to break chairs over other chairs! Consisting of Daryl Boyce on vocals; the frontman excels at a deep but guttural expertise on raspy throatiness, tight snarls & gruesome growls that surge with monstrously meaty roars while shouting with yelling aggression. "Skin Trophy" assembles bulldozing instrumentation; fierce fretwork attributes with rumbling reverberation, slaying with sonically seamless pursuits on striking weightiness while tempestuously storming with razor-sharp stabilities...while evil empowering chants embodied with these blasphemous bass hymns pulsate with menacing rage.

Crunchy guitar hooks from Owen McKendrick chugs and frolics into a galloping maelstrom of rapidly swift nimbleness, triggering dexterity amalgamating dynamically chunky firepower drills into a dense chiselling on rampant distortion in which revolves around immersively intensive grinds also bruising experiment hybrid calamities that will bludgeon eardrums into a bombarding headbanging belter. "Nothing But Dust" pumps out rompy perseverance that utilizes uniquely versatile pulverization madness on meticulous vehemence while sulphurous yet salubriously volatile solidities thud with organic substance, ruthless pandemonium & relentlessly motivating rivets that manifest with wildly rushing exhilaration. Audible bassist Derek Wright injects an infectiously gritty attribute on venomously thumpy melodies; within the "Contorted Existence," deadly harmonies arm a brimming overdose on monolithic tempos & immensely groundbreaking piledrives subjugate you to thrash like an untamed maniac until you pass out with its addictive but bombastic clarity on tenacious tenacity.

Battering drummer Tam Moran hammers his set with steely yet rambunctious precision; slamming with vicious velocity with other-worldly speed while quaking with stampeding blast-beats, distorted combustion & explosively homicidal uproar. "World Devoured" opens up with this slick yet mighty bass groove, until more contorted bombings rip 'n' tear with nuclear noise terror. Stompy shreds pound with pummelling magnitude; while this hostile assault attacks speakers with rebellious virtuosity, while this quintessential spectrum malevolently clobbers bones with smashing & neck breaking impact. "The Flesh That Hates" patterns this oscillating crescendo; creatively crushing this ominous panache on berserking bulldozes, flowing through towards a colossal boundary on prodigiously prestigious trembles that roll with resounding vibrancy.

The titular track distils a fluidly polished representation of quirky snappiness; resonant grumbles, and barbaric echoes that strum with riffing masterclass prowess on malicious throttling expertise. Forging thrilling sturdiness with profusely robust skill, resulting with tight flexibility fundamentals that thrash with outbursting characteristics in grandiose filth while smothering sludgy tones for good measure. The penultimate track: "Immense Atrocity" is exactly that; scattering strong overarch's of fuzzy guitar hooks, loud yet rampageous rowdiness that will get feets kicking in no time at all. Overall concluding "Mass Failure" with the finale belter: "Collapse Of Humanity;" SCORDATURA most certainly delivered a constructively vigorous offering that with the amount of replay value it gave me, I can certify that this most definitely can be an album of the year contender -  absolutely. It's a Death Metal masterpiece that surely needs discovering, an enjoyably entertaining bruiser for sure. Nice one, lads. I needed this piece of virulent brutality in these troubling times - check it out! You won't regret it.

10 / 10









"Mass Failure" Track-listing:

1. Disease Of Mind
2. Skin Trophy
3. Nothing But Dust
4. Contorted Existence
5. World Devoured
6. The Flesh That Hates
7. Mass Failure
8. Immense Atrocity
9. Collapse Of Humanity

Scordatura Lineup:

Daryl Boyce - Vocals
Owen McKendrick - Guitar
Tam Moran - Drums
Derek Wright - Bass

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