The Last Note in God's Magnum Opus

Schizoid Lloyd

Being tough to pin down is one thing, but SCHIZOID LLOYD's debut LP "The Last […]
By Andrew Sifari
December 12, 2014
Schizoid Lloyd - The Last Note in God's Magnum Opus album cover

Being tough to pin down is one thing, but SCHIZOID LLOYD's debut LP "The Last Note in God's Magnum Opus" is almost mind-bendingly unusual in its range of disparate sounds. The group formed in 2007 in the Netherlands (though I'm not sure their 'Netherlands' is on the same planet as ours), releasing the EP "Virus" in 2009, and signed with Finland's Blood Music this year.

The only thing that is 'appropriate' about the track titles is that most of them consistently...don't give you any real clue as to what the heck to expect from each song. Sure, "Suicide Penguin" sounds a bit crazy and random, which the song is, but it doesn't prepare the listener for the mix of almost whimsical keyboards, nonsensical lyrics, and thundering power chords that open things up before switching to chiming bells and acoustic guitars, before switching again to almost Metalcore-esque roars and intricate, technical riffing. And that's just the first two minutes. The craziness continues as the band goes from extreme Metal to Alt-Rock to almost symphonic parts, and things don't get any less weird on "Christmas Devil." OK, this song doesn't sound too unlike it's title, but it's still very unorthodox in it's approach, including the dramatic shifts from passages of technical Metal to the ringing bells and choir vocals that close the song out.

While the combination of such contrasting elements can be a bit off-putting at times, there's no doubt that the band members are tremendously skilled at what they do. The vocal harmonies are powerful, and the guitars of Remo Kuhlmann and Thom Lich are constantly at work transitioning the music from one phase of insanity to the next, while capturing a handful of killer moments in between. "Avalanche Riders" is one I particularly enjoyed, with its more consistent yet still trippy approach thanks to the added sound effects, and the bursts of lead guitar, particularly the one towards the song's end, just put the song over the top. "Misanthrope Puppet" is another colorful offering, immersing the listener in its dreamy soundscapes before the heavy riffing starts again. The Jekyll-and-Hyde approach to the vocals, at times melodic, others spastic, harsh, or just completely free-form, is one of the album's more entertaining aspects, always keeping you guessing as to where the music's going next.

"The Last Note In God's Magnum Opus" is sheer Avant-Garde madness, though even that term threatens to pigeonhole the band's unique sound. I could go on and on about the intricacies and oddities of this album, such a varied and diverse work it is. The band can be serious and intense in their approach, but quickly shift to silly and lighthearted at will, as with the opening line to "Amphibian Seer" (Which I won't spoil for you). I'll be honest; this isn't an easy-to-digest piece of music, especially for those who aren't very adventurous. However, the rewards for those brave enough to venture through the twists and turns of this quirky, yet intelligent and musically satisfying work will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the songs here. Say what you will about its inherent randomness, but there aren't many bands out there that are making music of this quality while pushing the envelope creatively.<

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"The Last Note in God's Magnum Opus" Track-listing:

1. Suicide Penguin
2. Christmas Devil
3. Avalanche Riders
4. Misanthrope Puppet
5. Film Noir Hero
6. Amphibian Seer
7. Cave Painter
8. Chicken Wing Swans
9. Citizen Herd
10. Prodigal Son

Schizoid Lloyd Lineup:

Remo Kuhlmann - Vocals, Guitars
Ruben Kuhlmann - Drums, Keyboards, Vocals
Guus van Oosterum - Bass, Vocals
Thom Lich - Guitars, Vocals
Boy van Ooijen - Drums
Silas Baldur van Bezu - Keyboards

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