The Undercurrent


It is the first time I hear about this band but I have a strong […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
March 28, 2007
Scarve - The Undercurrent album cover

It is the first time I hear about this band but I have a strong feeling that SCARVE will be one pleasant surprise for my ears. The only thing I have to do is place this album in my CD player and search for some stuff about these guys. Only time will show whether I am wrong or right. Let's see what are these guys all about.

SCARVE are coming straight from Nancy, France. Hmmm, in my humble opinion France doesn't have a great history regarding its Metal scene. Anyway, the band was formed in 1994 but released its first full-length album much later, in 2000, through War Music. The band then signed a contract with Listenable Records, where it released two more albums and now The Undercurrent, which is the band's third album.

So, SCARVE is a band that plays an industrialized style of Thrash/Death Metal. There are moments when the Death Metal influences get on top and the band sounds something between MORBID ANGEL and NILE. Other times, there are some clean but still aggressive vocals and a more Industrial mentality that show that the band is trying to sound like the frenzy metallers STRAPPING YOUNG LAD. There are also some European influences that show the band's love towards bands like DARKANE, CONSTRUCDEAD, HATESPHERE and a bit of HYPOCRISY. Just remember all of the above and add that the band's line up includes credited musicians like drummer Verbeuren who has played in bands like ABORTED, SOILWORK and PHAZM. I know that everything sounds great but I think that this album is not as good as it should have been. It is definitely a pretty nice and interesting work, but when you try to mix all those elements and create something that is intended to be different and fresh, you have to add some personality in it. In my humble opinion, SCARVE should have made the album sound like SCARVE, not like this and this and this band.

The overall result is definitely an interesting work from some talented musicians that deserve a chance and even more in the Metal scene. This band is at least a lot better than much crap out there. What I say is that SCARVE release a pretty good suggestion on how should extreme Metal sound nowadays.

7 / 10


"The Undercurrent" Track-listing:

Imperceptible Armageddon
The Plundered
Assuming Self
Fathomless Descent
A Few Scraps Of Memories
Alteration [Bonus Track]

Scarve Lineup:

Pierrick Valence - Vocals
Patrick Martin - Guitar
Sylvain Coudret - Guitar
Loic Colin - Bass
Dirk Verbeuren - Drums

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