The Cosmic Wrath


Formerly RUTHLESS STEEL, SCARBLADE have released their debut full-length under their new, more creative moniker. […]
By Lauren Fonto
October 20, 2016
Scarblade - The Cosmic Wrath album cover

Formerly RUTHLESS STEEL, SCARBLADE have released their debut full-length under their new, more creative moniker. The band plays old-school heavy metal with a more modern production approach. I found the album to be a fun ride that works for almost any kind of mood.

Vocalist Aliki Kostopoulou has a style which reminds me of Leather Leone of CHASTAIN. While lacking in the grit and fierceness of the former, Kostopoulou gives a smooth and accomplished performance throughout the album. In particular, I enjoyed her performance on "Power of Hate", "Live Wire" and "United as One". Her spoken word parts in "Power of Hate" work well, too. I liked the vocal harmonies in "Cursed Legion", and she ends the latter with a powerful scream.

To my ears, Konstantinos Papadimitriou's solo on "Point of No Return" sounded like the riffs in IRON MAIDEN's "Paschendale", which I consider a good thing. The man has a knack for composing engaging hooks, which really drew me in upon a second listen to the album. His solo on "Evil War" builds, then explodes powerfully in a storm of string bends. The intro riffs in powerful closer "United as One" drew me in, and the rest of the songwriting had me hooked until the end. The keyboard parts of Stefan Malmenlid add a touch of power metal/progressive metal to the tracks, although at times his parts are mixed a little too high. Otherwise, his presence is understated while adding colour to the music here and there.

I found myself a bit conflicted about the production. Arguably, the album sounds a bit too slick, but on the other hand, the modern production gives a contemporary touch to the band's old-school sound. In the end, I felt that the mix was good overall, and not too loud, as some modern metal albums tend to be.

This is a classic heavy metal album which takes a tried-and-tested formula and makes it their own. I think this an album worth checking out for those who hold heavy metal's founding traditions close to their hearts.

7 / 10









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"The Cosmic Wrath" Track-listing:

1. Die in the Night
2. Point of No Return
3. Escape
4. Power of Hate
5. Evil War
6. Live Wire
7. Cursed Legion
8. United as One

Scarblade Lineup:

Aliki Kostopoulou - Vocals
Nikos Miras - Drums
Konstantinos Papadimitriou - Guitars
Nikos Giorgakis - Bass
Stefan Malmenlid - Keyboards 

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