
Savage Blood

Coming from various backgrounds whose commonality is a schism, split-up, or otherwise hiatus, SAVAGE BLOOD, […]
By Quinten Serna
August 7, 2020

Coming from various backgrounds whose commonality is a schism, split-up, or otherwise hiatus, SAVAGE BLOOD, is by definition a Super Group, additionally a pretty fine one at that - "Downfall" marks the band's first full length release. Many bands craft a name for themselves through arduous years of touring, mishaps, misadventures, and uncontested resolve, however some bands manage to craft such a discrete and distinct sound that they engross and entrap audiences in their tone alone, and SAVAGE BLOOD is one such band.

A bold move, the album opens with the title track, "Downfall," which starts with up a clean guitar playing a Phrygian descension before a slightly distorted guitar then takes over to be ultimately replaced by a full on overdriven lead as the rest of the band provides rhythmic substance. The whole of the song is a headbanging almost anthemic composition revolving around the idea of total universal extinction. "Release The Beast" starts up with solely guitar and drums making it about as Rock n' Roll as you can get before the rest of the band joins in for the verse. "Queen On The Run" contains a good sized build up harmonizing both guitars as the song starts which is repeated before the start of every verse. The final track, "Guardian Angel" initially departs from the rest of the album beginning on clean guitars before detracting back to the expected Heavy onslaught.

The instruments are paragons of the band's craft and pursuits resting perfectly with one another in their shared space, yet still immaculately detailed and precise. The guitars paint each song with an edge of destruction and leads that take you on a journey through each piece; the bass is a solid and hardy substance commanding any and all attention geared towards the lower end, and yet, somehow remaining completely intact from the kick; the drums are concise, tight, and powerful and so clean it's almost as though you're in the studio listening to the performance, though do feel completely devoid of any sense of reverb; the vocals are one of the most amazing elements of the album as they draw attention whenever and wherever they appear yet do naught to interfere with the rest of the instrumentation, fading almost into the background for harmonized chorus, and assaulting you for solo voices.

"Downfall" does more than just serve as a promise for the capabilities of, SAVAGE BLOOD, but much rather completely and utterly defines the greatest attributes of the band. The album is one of the best breakout album I've heard from a new band in a very long time and is a must for any library, playlist, or workout music - Heavy Metal bleeds into every track such that each song screams in deference and defiance.

10 / 10









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"Downfall" Track-listing:

1. Downfall
2. Release The Beast
3. Savage Blood
4. Violent Attack
5. Queen On The Run
6.  We Sweat Blood
7. Die In Spirit
8. Guardian Angel

Savage Blood Lineup:

Markus "Wecker" Weckermann - Bass and Vocals
Marc Könnecke - Drums
Jörg Steinhake - Guitars
Timios - Guitars
Peter Diersmann - Vocals

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