Pre-dating god Parts 1 & 2

Satan's Host

SATAN'S HOST is still a very reputed name in the Underground American scene, it was […]
By YngwieViking
January 13, 2015
Satan's Host - Pre-dating god Parts 1 & 2 album cover

SATAN'S HOST is still a very reputed name in the Underground American scene, it was the band vocalist Harry "Tyrant" Conklin joined after leaving JAG PANZER in 1986. He appears under the name Leviathan Thisiren to fit better with the demonic image of the band. He sang on the only 80's official album called "Metal from Hell" still considered today as a real cult disc.

After the release of this monumental album SATAN'S HOST recorded the famous Bootleg "Midnight Wind" which never got official release, but it has been bootlegged many times notably along with "Metal from Hell" reissue, after it went out of print all over the world for years to come. The band broke up in 1987/88 after Harry left to join the more mainstream Heavy Metal band TITAN FORCE and consequently SATAN'S HOST broke up in early 1988. After a bunch of some low key releases in the 2000's, and many hassles in the team, finally Harry Conklin rejoined SATAN'S HOST In 2010 .

The new come back album "By the Hands of the Devil" was recorded with longtime producer Dave Otero (ALLEGAEON/NIGHTBRINGER). The album was a hit in the global Metal market and has received critical acclaim and worldwide appreciations .

SATAN'S HOST then put out a second 2011's release "Celebration For the Love of Satan" which commemorates the 25th anniversary release of the famous classic "Metal from Hell" via Moribund Cult, the album contained 12 tracks, 2 new and 10 tracks spanning off all the bands catalog, also acquiring rave reviews globally. A good introduction for the beginners, a recommended compilation!

On Late 2013 "Virgin Sails" was released, the follow up to "By the Hands of the Devil" ,has eight complete full tracks with two guitar interludes. As always the album gained great respect and honor all over the Metal microcosm and stated as a confirmation of permanent return in the line up by mighty vocalist Harry "the tyrant" Conklin...But the best was yet to come !

2014, also saw the band beginning the production on the ambitious "Pre-dating god" saga, a two single albums set for worldwide release on January 20, 2015. "Pre-dating god Part 1" and "Pre-dating god Part 2" were recorded once again with Dave Otero, this 80+ minute monster opus spans 11 new tracks, a stupendous cover of "See you in Hell" by NWOBHM legend GRIM REAPER, and a special Reprise for the title track in a Classic Metal mode Re-Mix.

Axe Master Patrick Evil still unleashed his hellish chainsaw Metal sound but with a new found precision and The Tyrant's ultra high pitch devilish singing and powerful screams with constant harmonized howling are still mesmerizing and epic in every sense of the word!

Harry "Tyrant" Conklin aka Leviathan Thisiren's legendary range and his dedication to Metallized vocals are obviously improved even reinforced or developed in the course of the listening session because his stellar performance in the "Pre-dating God" adventure is the pinnacle of his whole vocation, every little inch of the panorama is covered brilliantly from dark and deep growls ("Soul Wrent") to insane falsetto .

The pace is mostly quite fast but some really Heavy & Doomy moments are still ringing in between the fury of the drumming attack ("As the Dead, they Sleep") and the strong gang vocal mania; the production is one of the best of their whole career but still keeping this special underground flavor, a real killer sound in perfect concordance with their Dark spirits!

Those veterans based around Denver, USA are still on the edge of modernity with as only stylistic equivalence the almighty KING DIAMOND and early SANCTUARY, both for their common Evil & Blackened nature but also for their imaginative and technical song structures ("Fanning The Flames of Hell" or the almost seven minutes long "Lady n' The Snake")

Each disc is better than the other part, the dual concept is intriguing but SATAN'S HOST is clearly in a maverick and an artistic approach, so this fact reflect superbly their unique personality : If perfection is not from this world, SATAN'S HOST and their masterwork are however here and damn real, it's Hell on Earth my friends!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Pre-dating god Parts 1 & 2" Track-listing:

Part 1

1. Hell's Disciples
2. Ember of Will
3. Valley of Blood
4. Pre-dating God
5. Greed, Lust, Hate, War
6. After the End
7. See You in Hell (Bonus)

Part 2

1.Fanning the Flames of Hell
2. Soul Wrent
3. Lady n' the Snake
4. As the Dead, they Sleep
5. Descending in the Shadow of Osiri
6. Reprise - Predating God (Bonus)

Satan's Host Lineup:

Patrick Evil - Guitars
Leviathan Thisiren - Lead Vocals
Margar - Bass
Anthony Lopez - Drums

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