Dubious Disk

SARMAT is a Sci-Fi and Jazz influence Progressive Metal band from New York City. From Bandcamp, "The composition of over 17 minutes that SARMAT has ironically entitled "Dubious Disk" is a live improvisation on the main themes of a track taken from the band's imminent first full-length, "Determined to Strike." What surprises about SARMAT is not only the technical expertise and artistic inventiveness they demonstrate, but above all the fluency with which - despite their young age - they handle extreme metal and jazz fusion so that one does not prevail over the other. A melodic grandeur of cosmic proportions holds everything together, with trumpet, and flugelhorn performed by Cameron Carella embracing scorching riffs of guitars and earth-shaking rhythms of bass and drums. The future of progressive metal is decidedly in good hands."
It's an interesting sound. The structure is very loose, as a lot of Jazz is, but throw in some metal elements, and it's even weirder. Trumpets combine with bass, drums, and some off-timing leads in the beginning, and it works into a salad of sorts, where the ingredients have contempt for each other. The instruments begin to meld just a little into each other, and the sound isn't so unstructured. The band is clearly talented, but try to come up with the intended audience. It's so niche that I am having a hard time. Approaching the quarter-mark in, and some psychedelic elements enter. It relaxes to a slower, but no less odd groove. The pace hastens and follows frantic trumpet notes and leads.
The second half of the song is bit different, with a cacophony of various sounds, including thick bass notes, eerie leads, impressive drumming, and with deep guttural vocals. Trumpet notes still mix in, which creates this amalgam of styles that are really bizarre. The short piano section is really well done however. Despite the band having some insane talent, the music is just too strange for most people to connect with. If you have no pre-conceived notions about music in general, and can appreciate the looseness of the music, you might like this album. It was just too strange for me.Purchase Link:
5 / 10
"Dubious Disk" Track-listing:
1. Dubious Disk
Sarmat Lineup:
James Jones - Drums
Cotter Champlin - Guitar
Steve Blanco - Bass, Piano
Andrew Gonzalez - Vocals
Oleg Zalman - Guitar
Cameron Carrella - Trumpet, Flugelhorn
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