Manufactum II

Saltatio Mortis

OK, you are a German band. Yes, you are quite known to your country, Austria […]
By Harry Papadopoulos
May 16, 2010
Saltatio Mortis - Manufactum II album cover

OK, you are a German band. Yes, you are quite known to your country, Austria and maybe to Folk Metal(?) fans in other countries. But that doesn't mean that everything - from the site to the press release - has to be written in German! Anyway, SALTATIO MORTIS have their second live album "Manufactum II" ready and it is better to focus there than the Press release.

Since German language is not my field, let's just talk about what is going on in this release. Here we have 18 tracks performed live (don't know where) from almost all of their discography. The sound is very good, so good that sometimes you have the feeling that they did fix it a bit more than usual in the studio, and the fans are having a great time; well, that is what you will understand if you listen to the album. Even if I'm not a big fan of SALTATIO MORTIS, I like their sound and the energy that they have. If you close your eyes, you will probably imagine everyone dancing with their melodies drinking beer and having a good time.

Even though I don't like live albums a lot, I found "Manufactum II" an entertaining release. It is full of energy, the band is performing very well and the production is better than you should expect from a live CD. The fans of this act shall buy it anyway. As for fans of Folk Metal music in general (the "Metal" term is not so present here), they should also give it a try.

7 / 10


"Manufactum II" Track-listing:
  1. Merseburger Zauberspruch
  2. Varulven
  3. Dr Eisenhans
  4. Skudrinka
  5. Douce Dame Jolie
  6. Dessous Le Pont De Nantes
  7. Equinox
  8. Prometheus
  9. Le Corsaire
  10. Ali Ben
  11. Veitstanz
  12. Drunken Sailor
  13. Tulla
  14. Palaestinalied
  15. Spielmannsschwur
  16. Loch Lomond
  17. Evve Gratum
Saltatio Mortis Lineup:

Alea Der Bescheidene - Vocals, Bagpipes, Shalm
Falk Irmenfried Von Hasen-Mümmelstein - Bagpipes, Schalmeien, Indian Wui, Spoken Introductions
Lasterbalk Der Lästerliche - Drums, Percussion, Bass Drums, Programming
Thoron Trommelfeuer - Drums, Percussion
Magister Flux - Modern Equipment
Cordoban Der Verspielte - Guitars, Shalm, Bagpipes, Flutes, Fiddle
El Silbador - Bagpipe, Shalm
Mik El Angelo - Guitars, Lute, Cittern
Bruder Frank - Bass

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