Salems Lott
Salems Lott
April 16, 2015

Remember how back in the early days of the Glam and Punk scene, both the bands and the listeners liked to dress rather extravagantly, with over the top punk style clothes, flashy accessories, insane hair, and makeup, which reminds you of something like KISS? That trend may not be as popular as it used to be these days, but there are some bands which are clearly influenced by that trend, with regards to the way they dress and the music they play, so let it never be said that Glam or Punk is dead.
Anyway, on with today's review and the band featured is called SALEMS LOTT, who classify themselves as a Shock Metal band, which is completely new to me, and judging from their band pictures, they too seem to be influenced by the early Glam and Punk scene back in the 20th century. But does their look reflect on their music, or is it something completely different? Let us find out shall we?
SALEMS LOTT formed in 2013 in Los Angeles, California and they are known for their energetic and insane, yet violent, stage performances, which judging from their band bio seem to be reminiscent of Alice Cooper performances, which has got them chucked out of a few Hollywood clubs a few times as a result. The band have a self-titled EP out which contains 7 original songs, which are all fast paced tunes that remind the listener of the early days of Glam and Punk music, which is clearly obvious when you listen to it, but the question I have to ask is, does it make you reminiscent of those days or is it something that is so outrageous, you cannot help but wonder what the hell it is you are hearing?
Having listened to it, I will say that for me at least, it seems to be the latter answer to the above question, as my ears and my mind cannot comprehend what it is that they are listening to. Why? For one thing, the bands sound may be influenced by lots of classic Glam, Metal and Punk acts, you cannot help but wonder what time period the band live in,, as the sound on this EP is very retro and very old school which is not necessarily a bad thing considering the genre they play in but it is not really suited for the modern day listener, as the production and the sound is not something you usually expect, as it completely takes you by surprise but not necessarily in a good way.
From a personal perspective, at least I'm not really sure that I can bring myself to like this, as yes, I will give the band points for trying and points for the insane performances but everything else is making me wonder what the hell it is I am listening to, as the production is completely over the top and unacceptable by today's standards. You'd have to listen to it in order to understand why but I personally am not a big fan of this type of music, as I'm more used to things like Melodic Rock and Hard Rock, amongst other things, which may explain my slight dislike for this music but would I want to hear Shock Metal again? The answer to that is a big fat no.
Bottom line, SALEMS LOTT are not really a band that I would listen to on a day to day basis, as their music is not really for me. It may appeal to those who do like over the top insane Glam and Punk music, and if that is the case,, then I would suggest checking this band out but if you're like me and if you're worried that this type of music may not be for you then I would suggest staying clear unless you're brave enough to listen to just one song of theirs, as I personally did not enjoy this EP, so I'll end it there.<
4 / 10
Nothing special

"Salems Lott" Track-listing:
1. Wings of Duress
2. No Choice to Love
3. Smoke and Mirrors
4. Atlas
5. Black Magic
6. S.S. (Sonic Shock)
7. Twilight Traverse
Salems Lott Lineup:
Monroe Black - Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar
Jett - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Kay - Lead Bass, Vocals
Tony F. Corpse - Drums
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