Saint Rebel
Saint Rebel
December 8, 2014

What a strange and unattractive, all in red CD jacket artwork...I know that you know that you should never judge a book by its cover, I also know than most of the readers gonna download the music and they don't care about that, but hopefully, they still care about the music, so let's talk about the sonic content of this eponymous album number two. The first album received great critical acclaim, some airplay on radio stations worldwide and peaked at #28 on the U.S. iTunes Metal Chart Top 100, they even had the thrill to tour in the United-States of America!
My review back then for "The Battle Of Sinners And Saints" was pretty eulogistic , I stated : "their great ability to vary and combine the pleasures, from scorched and crunchy verses, to sing along chorus"..."A good contrast songwriting style in the typical -Melodic-Efficiency Science- provided in true Scandinavian style" "A new Rockin' breed that mix Melodic Metalcore with Post-Grunge Hard Rock and even some Heavy AOR". Now, if it's still partially true, the question that torments me is: Are they still capable and worthy of my note of eight stars...Let's analyse this second offer!
First obvious thing, Jonas Kaas still possess this great voice and the sound is still first class, indeed fantastic producer Marcus "Dolken" Toft (DAD), while mix is done by Tue Madsen (MNEMIC/HATESPHERE/SHREDHEAD) and mastering by Nikolaj Vinten (DIZZY MIZZ LIZZY) are an efficient Studio team. Stylistically the roughness is more prominent than ever, "Saint Rebel" is a truly raw rock album, slightly down-tuned, primary in the attitude, solid, heavy and uncompromising, especially crude spewing sharp guitar riffs and heavy tempo!
"My Patient" is a little simplistic for my taste but the honest anger is well transcripted in this dirty Rock blast! "Feeling Good Inc." is bringing up the good memories of the first album with a clever melting pot of Melodic elements with the fat riffage and the hypnotic crawling pace with a dark thematic, with a good vocal interpretation gradually growing in a more and more hysteric mood and ends with the line "You better fucking kill me...", certainly one of the best cut along with "I Give It Up" at the Seventh spot! "Now You Know" is still very dark with a strong commercial 90's, a bombastic feel while the following track "Could_Our_Kills_Endure" despite some industrial sound gimmick the spirit is clearly set in the 70's tradition. "Mr Knife" is quite Heavy too, the guitars are giving their best and the whole is enjoyable challenging and it struggling along with the closing number "Never" for the heaviest award nomination! With "One and The Same" the color is less interesting and less dynamic and more in the alternative side quite similar to "The New Guy" even if this time the vocal performance is very good! If the guitars are more upfront in "Leave a Scar"or "Red Zone" , the pace isn't really entertaining or imaginative. The more sensitive and the mainstream Pop colored vocal performance in "Desperate meassures" is an acquired taste, the melodic hook is infectious but the musical inconstancy between the rest of the album and this title is finally disturbing.
The album is already available and sucessful in their native Denmark, the next move will be the global worlwide release date is set for January 12th 2015...The recurrent feeling of stagnation is a little disappointing but the strongest elements are still striking and smoking...Maybe the new comers listeners will have another perception of this second album...I'm still waiting for their big breakthrough confirmation!
7 / 10
"Saint Rebel" Track-listing:
1. My Patient
2. Feeling Good Inc.
3. Now You Know
4. Could_Our_Kills_Endure
5. Mr. Knife
6. One and The Same
7. I Give it Up
8. The New Guy
9. Leave a Scar
10. Desperate Measures
11. Red Zone
12. Never
Saint Rebel Lineup:
Jonas Kaas - Vocals
Lasse Hansen - Bass
Jesper Riis - Drums
Martin Højfeldt - Guitar
Jakob Poppelvig - Guitar
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