Saint Deamon
June 17, 2009

With a short line in the Metal axis, SAINT DEAMON, almost two years old, make their comeback after their debut album last year, which achieved a bunch of very good reviews through the camp of Frontiers, which did sign this band although it doesn't move in the field Frontiers is normally looking for. After the very good In Shadows Lost From The Brave, it is time for Pandeamonium to invade our players and blow our ears out.
Having already an album which took brilliant reviews and gained the devotion of Metal fans, the Scandinavian guys decided that, despite the compositions and the musicianship in which they have trust, they needed to improve upon their sound. To accomplish this they have chosen two of the best producers in Metal to take care of the mixing arrangements. The famous Roy Z who was the producer behind master diamonds such as Angel Of Retribution (JUDAS PRIEST), Chemical Wedding (BRUCE DICKINSON) and many more, and Jens Bogren, the man behind AMON AMARTH, OPETH and PARADISE LOST. With these guys behind the console, it's no wonder Pandeamonium has an excellent sound fusion between melody and heaviness.
Of course, Scandinavian countries lean on having a disposition towards melodic Metal. This album moves in known paths and although it is brand new, the production is cracking, each track awakens memories. Mostly the power Metal highway shows a definite route but also the melodic Metal lights are blinking somewhere. Together with the progressive twist this album welcomes memories of STRATOVARIUS, memories of the early HAMMERFALL era, some PRETY MAIDS highlights and some CRIMSON GLORY. Deception enters dynamically with epic making also its presence. The Only One Sane has a majestic air, powerful riffs and vast key lines while Pandemonium reveals great melody and amazing soloing although it has a lower tempo. These two are the best tracks of this release. Eyes Of The Devil combines speed with melodic chorus and has an impressive mixing with progressive solo ideas. Way Home is a mid tempo track that has a nice melody, a bit pompous in my ears though, and a progressive break before the end. But Way Home is wrapped with a modern sound, escaping the bands mentioned above and adopting the style of the new blood in progressive melodic Metal (if I could call it like that). Through the vast percussion, the bass lines and the keys, and all these hints of the progressive genre, I caught a CRIMSON GLORY slight influence in Fallen Angel. Mr. Roy Z couldn't hold himself, I suppose, in The Deamon Within and provides a full classic PRIEST production, where the guitars become more distinct and pierce the sound in order to deliver their notes in your ears. Oceans Of Glory and Fear In A Fragile Mind have the HAMMERFALL 'bug' and the arrangements from the Dickinson solo career so intense.
Jan Thore Grefstad has done an amazing job and I couldn't imagine this album with another vocalist. He has the ability in changing according to the needs of each song and melody. The musicianship is a solid rock and they have wedded all their ideas perfectly; progressive, melodic and heavy did make an ideal amalgam. The two gents that took over the production made possible to mend these elements in a great album. The second release from this band came soon enough and this is an extra plus factor for SAINT DEAMON having presented their qualifications greatly. Among all these releases in melodic Metal, Pandemonium should not be among those albums that bring listeners into dilemma. It has to be heard...
8 / 10
"Pandeamonium" Track-listing:
Deception (Reaper)
The Only One Sane (Nevermore)
Eyes Of The Devil (Pyramid)
A Day To Come (Lies)
Way Home (Clone)
Fallen Angel (Hell Patrol)
The Deamon Within (Captain Of Metal)
Oceans Of Glory
Fear In A Fragile Mind (United)
Saint Deamon Lineup:
Jan Thore Grefstad - Vocals
Toya Johansson - Guitar
Nobby Noberg - Bass
Ronny Milianowicz - Drums
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