

SAHHR is a Death Metal/Black Metal band based out of Los Angeles, California, United States. […]
By Domestic Genocide Records
December 11, 2014
Sahhr - Sahhr album cover

SAHHR is a Death Metal/Black Metal band based out of Los Angeles, California, United States. They formed in 2013, and this three-track EP is their debut. "Alter of Maggots" leads off the EP, with a dark embrace of stringed instrumentation and a suspenseful building. The sound is clear and cold, with an alternation between high pitched screams and low, guttural vocals. The riffs are stark and ominous, akin to an army of the undead marching across a burned out forest.

"Miscreant" is similar in length, but with some more energy and haste. Though it rides in the lane of Black Metal for the most part, there is some stretching and bending that gives the music some more life and potency. As is common in this style, the song takes a twist just after the halfway mark, slowing down and then providing an all-in assault from that point forward.

"Slay the Savior" is the final track. It has a sinister quality to it, and once again builds with a lot of might and power, rather than resting on a familiar one-two chord pattern that you often hear in this style of music. Instead, it is a riff-driven track where the bottom end is heavy and assertive.

Though this was a short EP, I found it to be pleasing and promising overall, and I would be interested in hearing the band's future work. It is easy to be lost in this genre, as there are thousands and thousands of artists in a veritable sea of Black and Death Metal these days. But SAHHR has a unique spin to their approach that keeps the music fresh but familiar at the same time. It is clear that they have no intention of getting lost in that sea.

8 / 10


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"Sahhr" Track-listing:
  1. Alter of Maggots
  2. Miscreants
  3. Slay the Savior
Sahhr Lineup:

Ryllyeh - Vocals
Aarsoth - Lead Guitars
Darloth - Rhythm Guitars
Jukgoh - Bass
Tyr - Drums

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