

Extreme metal band SAGEN, from North Carolina US, release their first full length "Mammoth" under […]
By Ben Gardiner
February 28, 2022
Sagen - Mammoth album cover

Extreme metal band SAGEN, from North Carolina US, release their first full length "Mammoth" under their new name. Following on from their 2016 album, "Mammoth" is another flex of Heavy Metal muscles, drawing influences from Death Metal, Thrash and Groove, resulting in a relentless assault of nasty riffs and earth-shaking breakdowns, highly proficient instrumentation and vocals, and top-quality production.

Setting off with a techy prog drum beat and a recurrent riff, "Hunted" is a strong opening with plenty to offer in regard to being delightfully heavy, despite being the shortest track on the album. Adam Cheatham's vocal range is on full display, with the track ranging from aggressive deep shouts to higher pitched, Deathcore-esque screams. A notable screeching guitar solo in the middle of the track, although it feels slightly buried in the mix. Track 2, the title song "Mammoth" has a very fitting name, taking a slower, weightier approach than the opener. The production quality is crystal clear here, the snare being punchier than a Rocky film and the great bass drum sound, and the deep cutting tones of the guitars. We get a taste of blast beats, an accented snare with swung bass doubles, and a more defined single bar straight blast. The final push of the song is a strong, high energy onslaught of rapid double bass, higher pitched screaming vocals and grand melodies mixed in with fast chugging riffs.

Track 7 of the album, "Coward" is a 10-minute instrumental in which SAGEN use their skill in song writing and instrumental proficiency to create a riveting, solidly engaging epic track that covers a variety of styles and inspirations and offers some very noteworthy musical flourishes. Starting with a nice guitar riff and working of the tom drums, the opening is laid back, stripped down and meditative. Excitement starts to build when the drums are upped to a really cool double bass and ride beat. We get what could be an explosive breakdown right at the start of the track, slow powerful drums and a noodling guitar solo. The song is an exercise in musically building tension, with the slamming breakdown followed by a passage of comparative silence, with just steady distorted guitar melodies and the occasional stab of drums. This culminates in a hair-raising drum fill followed by a technical double time passage of heaviness, the drums getting hyper and fidgety accompanied by some great guitar work.

"Mammoth" is a continuously heavy, thrilling album that is solid throughout. With a 1 hour and 9-minute runtime, not a second is wasted and the time allows the band to build great atmosphere and flex their musical talent throughout. Nothing about it would suggest this is only a second album, as the whole thing oozes maturity and refinedness.

8 / 10









"Mammoth" Track-listing:

1. Hunted
2. Mammoth
3. Consequences
4. Appointed
5. Cracked
6. The Slaughter
7. Coward
8. Becoming the Alpha
9. Tusk
10. Atonement

Sagen Lineup:

Stephen Hegarty - Guitar, Bass
Jordan Brown - Guitar
Adam Cheatham - Vocals, Lyrics
Derek Kinney - Drums

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