Truth Is - What Is (Reissue)

If there is one thing that I like is to come up with gems, which some of them actually went unnoticed by the vast majority of Metalheads. One of those special bands is the Dutch / German Thrash Metal band, SACROSANCT. I have always known the name, and some of the music, but I never truly had the chance to virtually sit down and listen to their early albums, one by one. Fortunately, the Dutch label, Vic Records, gave me that chance with a series of reissues for the band's first three albums, ranging from 1990 to 1993, and with extras.
I don't really wish to dwell much into the band's history in order to let you guys, those that have no idea what is that band I am babbling all about, sink in yourself into their releases. I trust that you will get the fun facts about them rather fast. So here I go, starting with their debut iron fist of a Thrash Metal album, "Truth Is - What Is".
It has been written by yours truly so many times before, but from time to time, I am glad to mention it. I have been a sucker for rhythm guitar riffs since the first time I listened to Metal music, and also the first day that I held a guitar. In Thrash Metal I found some of the best. Listening to "Truth Is - What Is", was like throwing me into a bowl of everything that is good, didn't really make me wish to leave. What is amazing about the guitar riffery spread throughout the album is the fact that it is beyond the average, slowly going into technical, progression if you wish, phases that made the riffs diverse along with the song structures going versatile. SACROSANCT, fueled with innovative intentions for the future, delivered British type melodies and striking solos, entailing a shrapnel of melody in order to get things more interesting. The rhythm section is over the top, from time to time getting back to the basics of speedy Thrash, but proved to be always flexible and active to surprise. Lest I forget the vocals, which fit right in, like a spiked glove.
I bet that you would find hints of earlier versions of METALLICA / SLAYER / OVERKILL / ACCUSER aside to the very close proximity to the back then active German Speed / Thrash Metal band GRINDER. These may engulf your senses in a swift deadly dance. For me at least, it was a piece of Heaven on Earth.
Superb tracks to keep your ears pierced from within: "Skin To Skin", "The Sickened Thrill", "Catalepsy", "Execrated (They Will Be)", "Truth Is - What Is", "The Die Is Cast", "Injured" and "Disputed Death", but trust me, listening to everything.
As opposed to most of the reissues nowadays, "Truth Is - What Is" didn't come in a digipack version, as well as its followers. However, put your mind at ease, because there is plenty of reading, rare photography and extra tracks to keep you satisfied, even with a jewel case, and don't forget, high quality remastering of the old tunes. Legacy Magazine's Björn Thorsten Jaschinski made sure you would have something to read while listening, unraveling SACROSANCT in their early days and into the veils of "Truth Is - What Is". I have always been pro to history lessons of bands that had limited exposure, thus only a few pieces of information. Jaschinski pretty much shed light. Furthermore, there are high quality photos of the album's era that are a must. Lastly, as part of the tracklist, the 1989's demo "The Die Is Cast", also remastered and in a great sound quality, a teasing shard to get to know the band before the significant production of the debut.
I believe that I gave you more than enough reasons to get yourself a slice out of the old Thrash Metal pie and the Dutch SACROSANCT are bound to fulfill your taste with their debut. Brutish in the right timing, varied, energetic and classy, don't miss it.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Truth Is - What Is (Reissue)" Track-listing:
1. Dimension of Violence
2. Execrated (They Will Be)
3. Skin to Skin
4. The Sickened Thrill
5. Terminal Suicide
6. Disputed Death
7. The Die Is Cast
8. Catalepsy
9. Injured
10. Truth Is - What Is
11. Prophecies
12. The Sickened Thrill
13. Injured
14. Disputed Death
Sacrosanct Lineup:
Michael "Mike" Lucarelli - Vocals
Michael Cerrone - Guitars
Randy Meinhard - Guitars
Remco Nijkamp - Bass
Ronny Scholten - Drums
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