

Sabires debut album has been 14 years in the making. This project dates make to […]
September 6, 2024

Sabires debut album has been 14 years in the making. This project dates make to 2010,with the first taste coming in the form of “The Gates Ajar EP” in 2018, Scarlett Monastyrski moved from Canada to Australia in turn bringing in some different band members for live performances. Scarlett has dubbed the bands sound as “Acid Metal” which means it has a bit of everything heavy metal, glam nostalgic 80's hard rock with also their own unique sound all blended and mixed together. ”Mistress Mistress” released as a single in 2020 built the musical direction moving forward for the release of “Jatt”.

Doorway (Entry”) is the the intro with the album broken into three sections. “The River (Centre) “ & “The Stairs (Exit) the outro with the tracks fitted in-between, with the intro having spoken word, with soft singing in the background a calm and moody intro. ”Pure Fucking Hell” is the total opposite a fast paced NWOBHM metal sound with a catchy chorus delivered with aggressive vocals. “Acid Metal” the genre they describe their music as is definitely unique, this album is certainly diverse “Ice Cold Lust “ reminds me of Dokken & The Scorpions style of sound, while “I'm A Rock” is glam metal style track in the vain of Ratt also with “Alone Again” it has that glam metal/hair metal vibe to it. ”Call Me Bastard” brings us back to that NWOBHM/speed metal style | fast paced vocally with pounding drums ,fast guitar riffs high energy & intensity. With “Toxic Man” & “The Last Day” the musical direction changes again more keyboard & synths heavy give the tracks that 80's pop sound which works really well. There's even a power ballad “The Shadow In My Heart” is another side to this bands style a welcome break to the fast intense tracks before it. ”Rip Rip Kill!!!” is another fast intense track just like some of the previous tracks. The production is different too on this album its more raw sounding, recorded live in studio sound or that cassette recording you use to get from your mate at school of the latest album whether that's been done intentionally or not its certainly different or poor production. It certainly has does not have that polished studio mastering we are accustomed too.

Sabire “Jatt” is certainly different I will give it that. There are some good tracks particular highlights for me were "Pure Fucking Hell", "Ice Cold Lust", "The Shadow In My Heart" and "The Last Day" but there is some bad tracks "Just A Touch Of Acid " & "I'm A Rock" which are too long & get monotonous , also the point of the the intro, middle & outro is baffling I just don't see the relevance. It is very diverse with different style tracks which is certainly something new I guess that's why they call it ”Acid Metal”! Song writing wise there is nothing ground breaking or different, musically it is good some cool guitar solos, fast rhythms. The production is questionable is it intentional or just bad? Who knows ,but the album is just average for me.

5 / 10









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"Jatt" Track-listing:

1.The Doorway (Entry)

2.Pure Fucking Hell

3.Ice Cold Lust

4.I'm A Rock

5.Just A Touch Of Acid

6.Alone Again

7.Call Me Bastard

8.The River (Centre)

9.The Last Day

10.Toxic Man

11.Your Rending Hands

12.Chained Down

13.The Shadow In My Heart

14.Rip,Rip Kill!!!

15.The Stairs (Exit)

Sabire Lineup:

Scarlett Monastyrski – Vocals,Guitars,Bass & Keyboards

Zoran Mrakic – Bass

Paul Corben – Drums

Ivor Radocaj – Guitars & Backing Vocals

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