Solarworks Pt. 2


Continuing the story from the first part we have "Solarworks Part 2" by Finish rockers […]
By John Foley
January 11, 2021
Rylos - Solarworks Pt. 2 album cover

Continuing the story from the first part we have "Solarworks Part 2" by Finish rockers RYLOS. With themes of space travel and other worlds this album should bring us on a fun adventure. The album opens with the track "Pure Energy". From the start it has a nice hard rock feel to it. I was a little bit taken aback by the vocal style here but the band sounded pretty tight and it was a decent opener. Next up we have, what seems to be the most popular song from the album, "Black Liquid Fixation". The guitar and bass lines play off of each other well here. There is an attempt at a big sounding chorus too. There a was a good lead guitar line here which could have been higher in the mix.

Another song here is "Collective Ruin". Right from the start it has a cool rock n roll riff and a lead guitar line. Some really nice double bass work coming from the drums here as well. It is a fun song but the guitar work really shines through on this track. With the song "Afterburner" the band wastes no time and just jumps right in with a thundering force. This track has a nice pacing and vibe to it. The band shows some decent precision here with their playing. And once again you can here them going for another big chorus here as well. The last song on the album and we have "Me or Machine". This track opens with a very cool drum roll and you can tell the band plan on going out with a bang. The guitar solo present here sounds a little out there but it fits with the tone of the song. With this final song RYLOS try to show you what they are all about. You can hear that the band had big ideas and did their best to try and execute them.

On "Solarworks Part 2," RYLOS do have some cool guitar riffs and some really good drumming too with a nice bass tone to match. From listening I can say there are some interesting lyrics on here. The songs here would have more of an impact if the album had more of a crunchier sound in its production. Some really nice lead guitar lines are present on this album but should be higher in the mix as the rest of what is going on drowns it out a bit. It is a fun album but it could have been better.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Solarworks Pt. 2" Track-listing:

1. Pure Energy
2. Black Liquid Fixation
3. The Burden
4. Collective Ruins
5. Hive
6. Pistus
7. Afterburner
8. Me or Machine

Rylos Lineup:

Mikko Heino - Vocals
Jukka Vehkala - Guitar
Matti Sorsa - Bass
Misca Muhli - Drums

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