On Funeral Wings


To be honest with you On Funeral Wings is Runemagick's first album I ever listen […]
By Andrew Bregoulas
September 23, 2004
Runemagick - On Funeral Wings album cover

To be honest with you On Funeral Wings is Runemagick's first album I ever listen to, although the band has existed for quite some time now - since 1990. During the first months it only existed as a one-man project formed by Nicklas Terror Rudolfsson, inspired by bands like Bathory, Celtic Frost and Candlemass. Later on the band was joined by Robert Reaper Pehrsson. The band was originally formed under the name Desiderius but changed their name quickly to Runemagic.
Runemagick plays great old-fashioned slow doomy Death Metal from the late eighties and early nineties. In 1993 the band had a problem finding new members and Nicklas decided to put the band on ice for a while. In 1997 Runemagick resurrected, Nicklas decided to find new members and continue making new songs and keep 'alive' old tapes which he had kept in his cellar for 4 years. For all those years Runemagick had and still have very good musicians like: Tomas Eriksson (ex-Grotesque, Hymn To The Ancients), Johan Norman (Dissection, Oderu, Satanized,Soulreaper), Peter Palmdahl (Deathwitch, Dissection) and Alex Losbδck (Cardinal Sin, Decameron, Oderu)
On Funeral Wings is the 7th album (and lucky one I suppose) for Runemagick .All the song have a doomy touch and very slow guitars. And even though the album's length is almost 74 minutes, it doesn't get boring at all. I think that the second song is the best way to explain what Runemagick's style is. Slow, suicidal Death/Doom with incredible feelings. I don't need to go any deeper into each track. This album is great and if you are into Death or Doom Metal then this is for you. The production on this album has very good quality and Aftermath Music together with the band have taken good care of this new album. I don't think anyone won't like it.

8 / 10


"On Funeral Wings" Track-listing:

Monolithic Death
Rise Of The 2nd Moon
In Funeral Wings
Dragon Of Doom
Deean Demon
Emperor Of The Undrerworld
Trifid Nebula
The Doomsday Zenthe
Riders Of Endtime
In A Darkened Tomb
Black Star Abyss
Wizard With The Magick Runes

Runemagick Lineup:

Emma Karlsson - Bass
Daniel Moilanen - Drums
Nicklas Rudolfsson - Guitar & Vocals

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