A Deeper Shade of Sorrow

Rotting Kingdom

A darkened flushed figure in the air raises awareness to the christening soils that carry […]
By Aurora Kuczek
April 18, 2020
Rotting Kingdom - A Deeper Shade of Sorrow album cover

A darkened flushed figure in the air raises awareness to the christening soils that carry the life upon its shoulders. ROTTING KINGDOM, a Kentucky doom metal band brings forth their latest creation entitled "A Deeper Shade Of Sorrow." Abstractness lays down its last hymns as the tale of great myths swallow the ocean and the boat of men. The atmospheric nature of the piece brings about something that is more than doom, but less than death metal. It is a piece of grave solitude and warmth, as the mediocre words succumb to the music.

"Sculpted Into Life By The Hand Of Death" starts with a folk tune of higher pitched synths. A pine tree sheds its needles and the bark drifts apart from it like clothes on her back. The drums satisfy the piece by encompassing the awkward phrases and the anthem-like notes. In a brisk fairytale of layer-less bleakness, the allure of gracefulness is drawn away by the thoughts of what is, rather than what should be. There is an echoed nature of the delicate tunes, and sorrowful breakdowns of synth elegance. "Barren Harvest" seems as if to go to nowhere. The growl of vocal patterns guide the piece, as the higher notes hang on to the lower ones. Descriptive synths and ritualistic behavior renders itself to be something that it might not have intended. However, it is attractive and its pattern is energetic.

"Decrepit Elegance" is exquisite in calm. It is an instrumental track featuring synth waves and piano, beginning with a heartbeat. The eerie leads into the faced paced "Absolute Ruin" which escapes itself from a more death metal beginning to more doom metal classic. Riffs are bouncy, with awkward stops and starts, and the vocals do not seem to match with the previous set up. Its obscurity makes the lines illegible and the tunes of the overall makeup quite disorienting. "The Antechambers Of Eternity" starts with a buildup of harmonized-like beatific notes, that lends itself to one of the most thought-about pieces on the album. It is complex in a simplified manner, and it is authentic in its own right. The majestic tone mimics to more of a doom style. And the repetition of notes works in their favor.

"A Deeper Shade Of Sorrow" commences itself towards an idea that is fulfilled by the end of the song, while the materials fade in the sunlight, and the eyes turn bitter. Synths pan in an unlikely format, as the song changes faces throughout several points in the creation. It is folk-ier than the rest. And it is one of the bests off the album, taking it several different ways, and combining those to make an aesthetically pleasurable attitude. It is in the breakdown, where the classic format of the genre reverberates. By the end of the song, the idea is laid to rest and the words are left unspoken, as the instrumental establishment destroys the foundation.

ROTTING KINGDOM's "A Deeper Shade Of Sorrow" is an eloquent establishment of rhythm and synths that is explored beyond the breaches of contempt. It is a powerful and emotional concept, but it could have been better executed in part of the spoken versus. That being said, the last two songs of the album are grounded in marvellous behaviour, and along with its instrumental track, the album must be heard.

8 / 10









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"A Deeper Shade of Sorrow" Track-listing:

1. Sculpted into Life by the Hand of Death
2. Barren Harvest
3. Decrepit Elegance
4. Absolute Ruin
5. The Antechambers of Eternity
6. A Deeper Shade of Sorrow

Rotting Kingdom Lineup:

Anton Escobar - Vox
Clay Rice - Guitar
Kyle Keener - Guitar
Chuck McIntyre - Bass
Brandon Glancy - Drums

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