

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ROSSLYN; signed via Sliptrick Records, […]
May 22, 2023
Rosslyn - Totentanz album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ROSSLYN; signed via Sliptrick Records, hailing from Spanish grounds - performing Heavy Metal, on their sophomoric full-length studio album entitled: "Totentanz" (released April 11th, 2023). Since formation in 2015; the quartet in question have 1 demo entitled: "Day Of Eternal Faith" (released September 5th, 2016) and 2 full-length studio albums in their discography so far entitled: "Soul In Sanctuary" (released September 4th, 2018) & this new record of which I am introduced to entitled: "Totentanz". 8 tracks ranging around 45 minutes: ROSSLYN arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Heavy Metal developments.

Opening up with this rampantly rompy rhythm; this rollicking remedy thuds with sturdy tightness on punchy rivets within "By The Sword (The Monk)", as amplified adrenaline and boisterously bouncy catchiness contrasts a concretely gritty calamity in bulldozing slaps whilst rip-roaring shreds surge with organic substance from dexterously dynamic guitar virtuoso Jorge Martínez... attributing a flamboyant nimbleness of vehement licks which unleash momentous maelstrom technicality that's most thunderous. Steely panache then rifts with raw tonality; where sulphurous yet steamrolling rips unravel with  trailblazing tremolo finesse and crescendo building bombast, injecting an infectiously piledriving thump from audible bass galloper José Luis Lorente... elementing an impactful impulse of some frolicking chugs for good fabrication... especially in "The Martyr and the Myriad".

A hybrid experimental force distils a dense but crunchy aesthetic; as distinctively clobbering foundations crafts a distinguished catchiness that's most monolithic whilst sonically seamless & profusely robust, as a bludgeoning ferocity strikes with killer pursuits that's relentlessly venomous whilst rigorously vigorous to boot. A hefty firepower expertise in "The Eighteen Charms" bludgeons eardrums with razor-sharp volatility; ramified with an all guns blazing intensity, and a firing all cylinder rumble of reverberating kicks that stampedes with quintessential stridency. Striding through with stompy rambunctiousness; "Dancing On My Grave" hammers Mikel Insausti's set with smacking synergy, stabilized with wildly rushing momentum & snappy solidity that's most invigorating.

"Age of the Plague (Totentanz)" starts off with this acoustic, introductory anthem... until this mellifluous rampage pounds speakers with pummelling but flexible fundamentability in salubriously rocking meatiness - manifesting this slabby virulence that's primitively raw whilst crazy but engagingly complex and euphonically mellifluous within the uproarious pipes of Borja Callejas. Throaty raspiness heralds a captivating conundrum in mighty masquerades that will make you wander with victorious glory, especially in "To Hamburg". The penultimate banger "My Name Is Victor" arms a brimming dose in pandemonic but choppy hymns that renegade with melodic harmony, in which tramples you with screaming yells & persistent perseverance of malignant yet zestful instrumental heaviness that will make you feel like a battle-hardened warrior of steel.

This medieval turnover within the finale epic "Black Sails to the Wind" unravels more traditional, belting Heavy Metal meticulance that's uniquely transparent with the mystically mesmerizing musical songwriting musicianship that's spellbindingly distorted and grindy chunks of explosive barrage frenzies in berserking but energetic empowerments that tells the tale of this old school reminiscent story of sword yielding  glory and revenge wielding execution in a meltdown story of love, life & death ... bottom line, I am compelled to say that ROSSLYN was most surely an enjoyably entertaining discovery - it's always refreshing when I get to review a consistently coherent Heavy Metal record that keeps the flame burning... this musical genre has definitely not vanished just yet. This band also has 3 INCHES OF BLOOD vibe plastered over them so should you need that kinda fix, definitely check "Totentanz" as it's worthy of spinning & replaying a good bunch of times.

8 / 10









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"Totentanz" Track-listing:

1. By the Sword (The Monk)
2. The Martyr and the Myriad
3. The Eighteen Charms
4. Dancing on My Grave
5. Age of the Plague (Totentanz)
6. To Hamburg
7. My Name Is Victor
8. Black Sails to the Wind

Rosslyn Lineup:

Borja Callejas - Vocals
Jorge Martínez - Guitar
José Luis Lorente - Bass
Mikel Insausti - Drums

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