Legacy of Blood, Fire & Steel

Ross The Boss

ROSS THE BOSS is a band from New York, but the founder and name giver […]
By MetalWim
May 1, 2023
Ross The Boss - Legacy of Blood

ROSS THE BOSS is a band from New York, but the founder and name giver is actually called Ross Friedman. He should be well known by all those who love and crave True Metal, as he was the lead guitarist for the mighty MANOWAR for many a year. From 1982 to 1988 to be exact. But before that era he also was in the NY Punk band THE DICTATORS. He released some good albums with them as well. After those MANOWAR years he made an outstanding album with the Handsome Dick Manitoba band MANITOBA'S WILD KINGDOM, which was released in 1990 and is called "And You". Since 2006 though, he has made music and toured under his own monocle ROSS THE BOSS. And to make a long story short, he has done well by himself.

In all those years he has been around the world several times, playing his live shows and supporting one of the four studio albums he made during those years. Now, some 15 years after his debut album "New Metal Leader" was released, ROSS THE BOSS thought it time to get those people interested who haven't heard of him before, in other words, he decided to release a compilation album. the result is "Legacy of Blood, Fire & Steel".

And it is an impressive album. you can hear his influences coming through quite clearly. His riffing will remind you of MANOWAR in more than one occasion, but if you know his history, you will also hear little soundscapes that could have come from MANITOBA'S WILD KINGDOM, or even more surprising, SAXON! But then again, the latter could also be evident due to the tone of the vocals that are used. Because that is one thing that comes across very strong; the vocals and the music gel well together.

There is a reservation about "Legacy of Blood, Fire & Steel", though. It will only be released on vinyl! So if you are looking for a digital version, tough luck. So, if you do come across one, be aware that it is either a vinyl rip by someone, or some reviewer has been very naughty and allowed his version of the digital files to be distributed. I love and hate to tell you that I will not be the latter. I'd rather you go out and by the original. Or, if you are not one for a turntable, just buy the original CDs.

8 / 10









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"Legacy of Blood, Fire & Steel" Track-listing:

1 - Blood Of Knives
2 - I Got The Right
3 - We Will Kill
4 - Kingdom Arise
5 - Hailstorm
6 - Great Gods Glorious
7 - By Blood Sworn
8 - This Is Vengeance
9 - We Are The Night
10 - Maiden Of Shadows
11 - Born Of Fire
12 - Denied By The Cross

Ross The Boss Lineup:

Marc Lopes (vocals)
Ross Friedman (guitars)
Mike LePond (bass)
Steve Bolognese (drums)

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