
Ron Keel

“Keelworld” is a very ambitious project featuring all brand new music (except for the Black […]
September 13, 2024

Keelworld” is a very ambitious project featuring all brand new music (except for the Black Sabbath cover) from Keel's various projects which include Ron Keel Band, Steeler ,Keel , IronHorse and Emerald Sabbath. This collection does not consist of any leftovers from the Ron Keel vault or previously unreleased material. Every track is brand new with the aim to capture the original spirit and style of the bands featured on the track list. Having grown up in the eighties Keel were one of my go to bands. Receiving this album to review I never knew how many projects Ron Keel had been involved in, Its quite an impressive list and there is definitely some variety and different styles ”Hollywood” is a great start to this album a straight forward radio friendly rock track, with modern country style touches and a great sing a long catchy chorus.

”Hard On The Outside (Heart On The Inside” is another great slice of country rock n' roll foot stomping track ,great melodies with cool vocals and super chorus. ”Moving Target” is a great track in true Keel style ,some great guitar work, a faster tempo with great rhythm with some impressive vocals. “Give Me Guitars (Or Give Me Death)” certainly gives you the guitars! Some superb crunchy riffs , excellent rhythm and groove. ”Weekend With My Friends “ is a great rock party track, a big bold deep bassline gives the track groove, which has a bit of a similarity to Van Halen's “Ice Cream Man” I feel. ”Guitar In The Grave” is a huge country power ballad, nice acoustic touches, with guitar runs with an exquisite solo, great vocally & lyrically. ”Neon Circus”& “Faster Horses” give us great modern country music styles and tones while “Taking Me Back” is another great rock track which gives me Springsteen vibes musically and lyrically.

Then a heavy turn this album takes “Children Of The Grave” a Sabbath cover, its a great version very heavy crunchy riffs, aggressive vocals sounds really cool. ”The Last Bottle On Earth” concludes the album an acoustic ballad which has some great vocals ,with some great lyrics and song writing. Keelworld” is a great collection of songs, There is a wide range of genres included in this album which I personally love especially the country stuff. There is some excellent song writing and story telling within the songs. Vocally Ron Keel sounds superb vocally his voice like a matured whiskey no matter which group he is singing or playing in, with some great musicians backing him up. Definitely an album worth purchasing or listening to.

8 / 10









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"Keelworld" Track-listing:


1.Hollywood - Ron Keel

2.Hard On The Outside(Heart On The Inside) – Ron Keel Band

3.Moving Target – Keel

4.5 0 Clock Shadows – Ron Keel Band

5.Give Me Guitars (Or Give Me Death) – Steeler

6.Weekend With My Friends – Ron Keel Band

7.Guitar In The Grave - IronHorse

8.Neon Circus – Ronnie Lee Keel

9.Faster Horses – Ronnie Lee Keel

10.Taking Me Back – Ron Keel Band

11.Embryo – Emerald Sabbath

12.Children Of The Grave – Emerald Sabbath

13,The Last Bottle On Earth – Ron Keel

Ron Keel Lineup:

Ron Keel Band - Dave “DC” Cothern & Jason Haven (Guitars)

Geno Arce (Bass) and Jeff “The Rev” Roller (Drums)

Keel - Marc Ferrari & Bryan Jay (Guitars), Dwain Miller (Drums),Geno Arce (Bass)

Steeler - Rik Fox (Bass) , Mitch Perry (Guitar) ,Dwain Miller (Drums),Mark Edwards (Video Drummer)

IronHorse - Gaetano Nicolosi (Drums) , Geno Arce (Bass) , Jay Rusnak (Guitar)

Emerald SabbathBobby Rondinelli (Drums) , Neil Murray (Bass) ,DAVE "DC" Cothern & Mike Dresch (Guitars)


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