Tribute To Journey

Rob Moratti

ROB MORATTI is a Hard Rock / AOR singer from Toronto, Canada, USA. I remember […]
By Katarzyna Zakolska
February 25, 2015
Rob Moratti - Tribute To Journey album cover

ROB MORATTI is a Hard Rock / AOR singer from Toronto, Canada, USA. I remember very well his first solo album "Victory" which was released in 2011 and for me was totally brilliant! Rob is one of Rock's legendary voices - former of FINAL FRONTIER, ex-SAGA. "Tribute To Journey" is a brand new second studio release featuring Rob's take on his favourite JOURNEY songs. Album will be released on 20th March 2015 and it will be Limited Edition of 1000 copies only and all numbered.

I especially like "Ask The Lonely" with piano in FOREIGNER style, energetic sounds and perfect working bass, great guitar solo and catchy refrain. Also "Anyway You Want It" is made ina  very nice way with big doses of energy, amazing rhythmic section and unbelieveable catchiness. Track "Mother Father" is perfectly recorded with gentle guitars opening it and beautiful singing. Then heavier riffs add true flavour with very melodic refrain and incredible guitar soloing.

Wonderful voice of singer Rob Moratti is so gentle and deep. like balm on the listener's soul. Catchy refrain make it so memorable. Amazing is also "Don't Stop Believin'" with melody, atmospheric piano & the wonderful voice of Rob. It sounds like Rock mixed with gentle AOR. I love also "Separate Ways" with great AOR keys & heavier riffs with pulsating rhythmic section. Perfect singing refrain with pouring out melody. Amazing refrain and this choir - oh total heaven! Nice solo and keys too!

Piano & impressive voice of Rob is in "Faithfully" - balladic atmosphere with excellent, layered vocal timbres! The same is with the gorgeous "Who's Cryin' Now" with incredibly playing & gentle singing together with powerful backing vocals, excellent piano & clear bass. Energetic and fantastic atmosphere with AOR echoes are in "Be Good To Yourself", great riffs with catchy refrain are in "Stone In Love", ballad "Why Can't This Night Go On Forever" with gentle AOR piano and impressive singing and fine working bass, rockin riffs in Bluesy climate where there are a few DEEP PURPLE influences with perfect choirs and fabulous melodies in "Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'".

This brilliant CD is full of killer sounds. "Tribute To Journey" is for lovers Melodic Rock and AOR, also for everyone who loves spirit of the 80's and especially for JOURNEY fans. Rob Moratti has released another excellent album, full of melody and energy and he showed how beautiful he could still be singing and records hits of JOURNEY. Finally in my opinion this album is total perfect. I couldn't stop to listen these beautiful songs because they are so catchy. Fans of JOURNEY and fans of ROB MORATTI's voice will be in seventh heaven during listening of this wonderful album!

10 / 10


"Tribute To Journey" Track-listing:

1. Separate Ways
2. Only The Young
3. Don't Stop Believin'
4. Faithfully
5. Ask The Lonely
6. Who's Cryin' Now
7. Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'
8. Stone In Love
9. Anyway You Want It
10. Why Can't This Night Go On Forever
11. Be Good To Yourself
12. Mother Father

Rob Moratti Lineup:

Rob Moratti - Vocals
Torben Enevoldsen - Guitars, Keyboards, Bass, Backing Vocals
Graham Fillier - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Piero Greco - Bass, Backing Vocals
Stu Reid - Drums, Backing Vocals

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