Seeing Through Fire


How angry can one be, and how long can you keep the level of anger […]
By MetalWim
September 10, 2023
Ringworm - Seeing Through Fire album cover

How angry can one be, and how long can you keep the level of anger at its highest? Well, to answer that you only have to ask RINGWORM shouter James "Human Furnace" Bulloch of RINGWORM. He actually keeps it up at the top lever for 31:02 minutes. I can only hope that after that time he has time and space to unwind and relax. Maybe I should put this question aside and concentrate on the review I am supposed to type out for "Seeing Through Fire", the ninth studio album by this American Thrash/Metalcore/Crossover band from Cleveland, Ohio. RINGWORM started playing together in 1991, and now, some 32 years later, they still haven't been able to shed their issues.

I can only say that I don't mind that they haven't, as there is always a new batch of objects and things going on in the world that aren't supposed to be happening, or that sicken you to the bone. So, their ploy to keep on showing us how pissed off they are through their music makes perfect sense. And the fact that a major label like Nuclear Blast is the one throwing their efforts out into the world, should tell you that there is a market for RINGWORM and likewise bands. And listening to "Seeing Through Fire" I can easily see why.

What does bug me though that "Seeing Through Fire" is a perfect album for the current generation, that is used to listening to one track at a time, that (sometimes) has the attention span of a carrot, and never even tries to listen to a full album. I, on the other hand, am of a generation that is used to playing my albums on a turntable, and having to turn it from on side to another in order to get the compete experience. And you can forget about shuffling the songs around, you had to listen to them in the order they were placed on the vinyl slab we called a record.

I have listened to "Seeing Through Fire" in both manners, and for the current audience this is a collection of very fine songs. For the older generation, though, it becomes too much of a soup, where I have difficulty separating the songs. The speed, sound and intensity are even steven all through the record. To me it is void of variation and diversity. So, the songs are very good, the album mediocre. At least, for me.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Seeing Through Fire" Track-listing:

1 - Seeing Through Fire
2 - Carved in Stone
3 - No Solace, No Quarter, No Mercy
4 - Death Hoax
5 - Thought Crimes
6 - Unavoidable Truth
7 - House of Flies
8 - You Want it To
9 - Mental Decontrol
10 - Power and Blood
11 - Playing God

Ringworm Lineup:

James "Human Furnace" Bulloch - vocals
Matt Sorg - guitar
Mike Lare - guitar
Ed Stephens - bass

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