Light Of The Fallen Gods

Right To The Void

After a relaxing few days celebrating Christmas, which included spending time with loved ones, playing […]
By Charlotte "Lotty" Whittingham
December 29, 2014
Right To The Void - Light Of The Fallen Gods album cover

After a relaxing few days celebrating Christmas, which included spending time with loved ones, playing family games and eating copious amounts of chocolate, I am back and ready to provide you with more reviews. My first one after this joyous holiday being about "Light Of The Fallen Gods" that happens to be the latest addition to RIGHT TO THE VOID's discography.

For those of you who have not heard of this Melodic Death Metal force before I shall tell you more about them. They hail from France, which is best known for being the land of the rising sun but the Metal community knows too well they released Metal titans GOJIRA into the world. RIGHT TO THE VOID have provided us with an EP titled "It Has To Be Done" in 2010 and their first full length album "Kingdom Of Vanity" only last year.

"Light Of The Fallen Gods" has provided me the first insight to this Melodic Death Metal force and I have to say it was a splendid one. There wasn't an aspect of the album I didn't like as they seem to know the secret of producing something brutal yet melodic at the same time. The album consisted of foot stomping beats on the rolling drums, excellently melodic guitar work that tones down the aggression and marvellous vocal work.

I know when I am listening to a great album when I am imagining myself head banging to the songs at a gig; this album provided the ideal opportunity. Particularly during tracks such as "The Sun Of The Leaving Ones", "The One Who Shoulders The Light" and "Death Circles".

Concluding track "This Is Our Time" only left me wanting more from this Melodic Death piece. So overall; a marvellous feat that will ensure the band's climb up the Metal Music ladder.

10 / 10


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"Light Of The Fallen Gods" Track-listing:

1. Swallow's Flight
2. Death Circles
3. Fate Of Betrayal
4. The Sun Of The Leaving Ones
5. Through The Grave
6. The One Who Shoulders The Light (Part I)
7. The One Who Shoulders The Light (Part II)
8. Majesty's Doors
9. Origins Of A New World
10. This Is Our Time

Right To The Void Lineup:

Fabien - Bass
Hugo - Drums
Paul - Guitars
Gauthier - Guitars
Guillame - Vocals 

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