Bolted To The Cross
May 9, 2004

No rest for the Swedish! Every single day for the last years native bands pop out and deliver albums like candies. Continuously and consecutively these people have great appetite and thirst for Metal and Ribspreader is no exception in this case.
A band consisting of Paganizer's former and current members and of course the mighty, well-known and tireless Dan Swano (Edge of Sanity, Nightingale - among others).
Though this is a debut album, this release reveals particular requirements for a newly assembled band. Well it couldn't be any other way since Mr. Swano has undertaken the mixing and production procedures, not to mention his part in drums and lead guitars. The other members also fulfill their duties, they are good musicians, technically constituted but what about essence? Stay awhile and listen...
You don't have to be as charismatic as Nostradameus to apprehend what these guys are up to, when a word like Ribspreader and a phrase like Bolted To The Cross appear on the cover. Death Metal in the Swedish way, as it was taught by other bands of the genre. Simple, but not that simple... There is something here that diversifies the situation and makes the whole result far more interesting that it could be in other circumstances.
Old school attitude! The band might include melody in it's music but it doesn't overrun the rawness and brutality of pure, primal Death Metal. Imagine what a blend of At the Gates, Opeth and Vomitory would sound like and you're close enough to Ribspreader...almost.
What keeps bugging me in this decent and fine release nonetheless, is the inarticulate appearance of maiden-ish solos at times that ruin the excitement this album easily brings out. The moment you are ready to demolish environment around you, suddenly Dave Murray appears from the speakers giving all of us answers on how some really good music can be spoiled. Don't misunderstand me, I love Iron Maiden and always will (who doesn't, really?) but elements of their music don't just fit in cases like this.
It's worth checking this album, not a must buy but indeed a work of interest. All they need is a small composing improvement and they will obtain the recognition they deserve. I thank them for making my neck ache from headbanging.
7 / 10
"Bolted To The Cross" Track-listing:
Dead Forever
Beneath The Cenotaph
The Unblessed
As You Bleed
Hollow Beliefs
Morbidity Awoken
Sole Sufferer
Ribspreader Lineup:
Rogga Johansson - Guitars, Bass & Vocals
Andreas Carlsson - Guitars & Bass
Dan Swano - Drums & Lead Guitars
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