Human Farm

To play the ways in Stoner Rock and Stoner Metal isn’t an easy thing, because many acts already used what acts as BLACK SABBATH, BLUE CHEER, BLUE ÖYSTER CULT, SIR LORD BALTMORE and HAWKWIND subjectively created, and that was expanded by names as TROUBLE, CORROSION OF CONFORMITY, KYUSS, MONSTER MAGNET, CATHEDRAL and others. Some just follow the flux, others try next experiments, and some are just trying to be as honest as they can, so even not trying something new, they can generate good works. One of those in the last group is the Italian fuzzy quintet RHINO, as shown on “Human Farm”.
Frank Door and the quintet joined forces during the recordings at Desert Door Studios, leaving the mixing to the hands of Carlo Longo at NuevArte Studios, and the mastering to Carl Saff. All to create an acid and organic sonority that could fit on Stoner Metal sonorities, but with a grand and good point: they’re fuzzy due the genre they play, but choose something defined to boost their melodic sense (and not something filthy just to sound as in the 60s). The artwork and layout created by Chiara Abramo (with additional design by Francesco Bauso) is excellent, fitting on the ways of Stoner Metal. And as guest, here is Cristina Chimirri on the vocals on “Magic Water”. One positive aspect of their Stoner Metal way that they took is that they’re not trying to be crude and filthy on purpose, but instead they have a very good melodic sense that doesn’t fit on putrid filthy ways. Their music is distorted and organic, fuzzy and nasty in the right point to not tear apart their melodic appeal, so they’re different from the countless bands addicted on filthy (and not on Stoner Metal/Rock in reality).
It’s obvious that the quintet has potential to go further and create something different, but their efforts on songs as “Agony & Madness” (a fine combination between weight, fuzzy filth and melodies, with very good work on the guitar riffs and arrangements, creating and hypnotic moment), “Planet of Dust” (the natural groove of the genre appears here in a distorted way, and very good contrasts between distorted parts with deeper melodic ones, with bass guitar and drums in a very good performance), “Gentle Sound of the Knife” (a short and simple song with a frantic energy, with very good vocals), “Human Farm” (the introspection heard on some moments bring back elements used by acts as ALICE IN CHAINS and SOUNDGARDEN), “Magic Water” (the contrasts of the male and female vocals with the bitter riffs are amazing), and “Fast Radio Burst” deserve applauses.
It’s obvious that RHINO still has potential to create great music in their hearts, but what is offered on “Human Farm” is able to cause excitement and commotion in the fans of the genre.
8 / 10

"Human Farm" Track-listing:
- Agony & Madness
- Planet of Dust
- Gentle Sound of the Knife
- Human Farm
- Magic Water
- Big Clouds Again
- Padrock
- Fast Radio Burst
Rhino Lineup:
Frank The Doc - Vocals
Red Frank - Guitars
Frank Real Tube - Guitars
Frank The Door - Bass
Lord J. Frank - Drums
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