The New Generation

Revenge Division

Be honest, Metalhead; how often do you pay attention to the lyrics in your music? […]
By Jacob Dawson
March 22, 2015
Revenge Division - The New Generation album cover

Be honest, Metalhead; how often do you pay attention to the lyrics in your music? Do you even have lyrics in your choices of music? Metal is a genre of music that doesn't rely on words to convey emotion or meaning; it can do so simply through the power and expression of the guitar, or the energy and aggression of the drums. Yes, there are often vocals, but very often they end up being unintelligible, as in the case of REVENGE DISILLUSION, or otherwise fade into the background.

It's a testament to both the musicians and audiences of Metal that this doesn't matter; vocals are allowed to take a backseat in favour of a good sound. These Slovakian newcomers may not sing in a particularly intelligible way, but the vocals from Mark, dark and full of anguish though they are, provide a layer to the musical sandwich that can only add to it. His voice ranges from deep and growling to high and screaming, but also knows when to shut up and let the guitars do their thing, as in the midsection of "Satan's Bride".

Speaking of the guitars, the fact that the band has two designated experts in the instrument makes listening to them an absolute pleasure. At times lightning fast and technical, ("Snake") and at others playful and fun ("My Sweet Revenge" and "Mediocracy"), the variety is appreciated throughout.

The range of sounds can probably be attributed to the number of different genre influences that the band cite, including Swedish Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Metalcore and Hardcore. This is easily heard in the structure and formula of the songs, which transition between countless tempos and styles at the blink of an eye. Sometimes in other bands, this can lead to songs losing their momentum, but it's done just right in this case so that it's possible to predict each shift before it happens.

Clearly trying to send a message about the youth of today's obsession with technology in their album cover, it's impossible to tell if this idea persists in the lyrics for reasons mentioned at the start of this review, but in any case it is enjoyable music. If there's one issue, it's that a couple of the tracks don't actually add much to the album, and instead sound rather similar to their siblings in the album. It would be unfair to expect anything better from a debut however, and what is here is (expletive)-ing wonderful. The only downside is that since they're from Slovakia, some of us have got a long way to go if we want to hear them in the flesh.<

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"The New Generation" Track-listing:

1. My Sweet Revenge
2. Oceania
3. Satan's Bride
4. Snake
5. In the Middle of Nowhere
6. For Rose Intermezzo
7. Mediocracy
8. Like a Drill
9. The Secret of Palm Sheets
10. The New Generation
11. The Temple of Sin

Revenge Division Lineup:

Jeremy - Vocals
Matej - Guitars
Juraj - Guitars
Edward - Bass
Brighter - Drums

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