Dawn Of Reintoxication
October 30, 2020

Does everyone remember those B horror movies? Well they either went one of two ways in my opinion. Either the film was made to try and be to over the top without a sufficient enough budget, or it embraced the tackiness and as such was rather successful for the fact that it was comically bad, check out 'Dead Snow' for a great example of this. But, why am I discussing films in a music review? Well, after a little bit of research and on first glance I have an impression that there could be a correlation between those styles of movies and REPUKED.
Their recent release, "Dawn Of Reintoxication", is the 9th release from the Stockholm based four-piece outfit. Their particular brand of Death Metal seems to verge on the ludicrous, relying on shock value lyrics and song titles, something reminiscent of CANNIBAL CORPSE. The artwork, conceived from Necromaniac Artwork is very stereotypical of this variation of Death Metal, with shocking horroesque images as the focal point.
The record opens with "Livers Bleed". Initially this comes across as a dense and heavy track; slow and sluggish chords dredge by. That is before an injection of some energy, seeing the pace and intensity increase exponentially. With some aggressive instrumental tracking, powerful vocals and a ruthless tenacity, REPUKED now you have my attention.
"Fucking Your Fucking Corpse" and "Shitfister" fly by in a similar fashion, except for some rather extreme aural imagery at the start of the latter... The short, sweet and brutal "Kick Fuck" gives no quarter, with energy and aggression from the get go, one can see fans at a show enjoying the invitation to get moving.
"Retribution From Behind" grounds things a bit more, slowing down the pace of the music and extending the length of the tracking, however, as a song the pace ebbs and flows throughout giving it that extra depth and edge as a release. Also, as a point to note, the guitar break in the latter stages of the track is exquisite. "Global Burning" sees an increase in the levels of intensity as the track flies through at breakneck speed before the enigma of the record... The titular track, "Dawn Of Reintoxication" is like something out of the aforementioned B horror movie. With the entire instrumental appearing to have been plucked directly from an 80's synth soundtrack.
The final section of the album seems... rejuvenated. With a fresh energy and sound REPUKED assault your eardrums until arriving breathlessly at the 9-minute epic final track "Morbid Obsessions" which allows the listener a breather and slightly calmer way to see out the album.
Overall, I will admit that I had reservations about the album before listening, but I am not a huge fan of profanity solely for shock value. However, I have eaten my words, REPUKED have delivered a solid album, intense and talented musical sections are accented by the aggressive and tireless vocals that are a strong driving presence throughout. Fans of Death Metal and in fact any sort of Extreme Metal be sure to get these guys on your radar!
8 / 10

"Dawn Of Reintoxication" Track-listing:
1. Livers Bleed
2. Fucking Your Fucking Corpse
3. Shitfister
4. Kick Fuck
5. Retribution From Behind
6. Global Burning
7. Dawn Of Reintoxication
8. Vodka Til The Grave
9. Repulsive Erected and Anally Infected
10. Sewer Rain
11. Excursion Through Perversity
12. Morbid Obsessions
Repuked Lineup:
Rob The Slob - Vocals / Bass
Nicke Nopants - Vocals / Guitar
Rich Hard - Vocals / Guitar
Max Calamares - Drums
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