Volume 1: Reborn


From the windy city of Chicago, Illinois in the USA since their formation in 2018, […]
February 28, 2022
Repentance - Volume 1: Reborn album cover

From the windy city of Chicago, Illinois in the USA since their formation in 2018, there have been a few changes in the line up except for guitarist SHAUN GLASS who come from bands like TERMINAL DEATH, THE BLOODLINE, BROKEN HOPE and SOIL to name a few. With previous band members; KANKY LORA ROBBY FRONT MIKE SYLVESTER and MARKUS JOHANSSON, there were two single releases before their debut album titled GOD FOR A DAY in 2020. Their sound is of metalcore or sometimes referred to as melodic groove metal as time went on into 2021, new members joined but their style certainly avoids any change or variation.

The new members include ADAM GILLEY on vocals, ERIC BURNS on guitar as well as founding member SHAUN GLASS, then there is bassist ERIC KAROL and finally BRANDON WHITE on drums. ERIC BURNS and BRANDON WHITE both came from THE BLACK STANDARD, ADAM GILLEY comes from PRODUCT OF HATE and ERIC KAROL comes from DYSPHORIA & BLUDGEON. Nevertheless this metalcore band was described best as 'a primal aggressive metal band; laden thick with heavy stabs of groove mesh that bleed intensity'.

The EP titled VOLUME 1: REBORN is now out and available in all formats through Noble Demon Records. The first track that brings us into the EP is a slow but gradual crescendo of the subtle guitar as it sounds filtered or processed along with another sound effect accompanying guitar before the axe of terrific metalcore comes down slicing through the mix. Guitar leads the force to be reckoned with as vocals cave in to challenge guitar, bass or drums to a knock about. Drums punch and jab like a boxer would with a fist of vengeance but almighty power.

Onto track 2 "Reborn" a phenomenal guest appearance by singer/guitarist COREY BEAULIEU of well known American band TRIVIUM. This is a fantastic contribution by the vocalist/guitarist where drums speed up a notch or two whereas vocals keep the metalcore metal mania as alive as before. Drums literally shake the mood and atmosphere so much there is not one dull moment just headbanging noise or attitude of oppression. The next track is "Down In The Water" with high range guitar tuning then, bang into more bone crushing drums imploding with vocals projecting as much as before.

Lyrical content is strong, ferocious and captivating to say the least but guitar pushes vocals to sound like a take on a narrative like well known band LAMB OF GOD do in their music, as their vocals are similar to what ADAM GILLEY is attempting to achieve here. The commitment and drive is admirable and fascinating for more heavy melodic guitar or bass sound screaming from the same direction. "No Innocence" repeats low end, bass heavy guitar hooks and vocals also have that snappy, raging push for utter chaos.

This fourth track certainly is a real contender for the best that this band has to offer since their debut album was released in 2020. "This Is Hell" is off the mark with kick ass drumming and very devious yet annihilating vocals, the echo too like a howl from a wolf in the dark woods or forest which is what comes to mind here with imagery. The middle section shoots quick drum hits before vocals entices guitar to take control as the mass hysteria ensues and takes hold of all the surrounding instrumentation.

There isn't much more I can say about this EP other than its charisma, brilliance and true perfection. A sensational follow up to their debut album released only 2 years before so I will certainly be following these guys for sure with anticipation and excitement for what is to come next, as they appear to be moving along with their musical direction, but aiming high and exceeding all expectations. What an EP and its added bonus of COREY BEAULIEU of TRIVIUM makes it that more thrilling yet amazing nonetheless, enjoy the EP and start following them like I will!

10 / 10









"Volume 1: Reborn" Track-listing:

1. All The Misery
2. Reborn (ft. Corey Beaulieu)
3. Down In The Water
4. No Innocence
5. This Hell

Repentance Lineup:

Adam Gilley - Vocals
Shaun Glass - Guitars
Eric Burns - Guitars
Eric Karol - Bass Guitar
Brandon White - Drums

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