We Are Legion

Reflection of Flesh

This trio is fun and spit Metal on your face!
September 12, 2024

To be different from other bands is something that many bands try to become valuable for the fans, because it’s easier to be noted in the middle of the flood of the equals being in such way. But how it can be done depends a lot of the musical/cultural background of the musicians, because to try something new means to defy many that refuses to accept new things and want to be living on the past. For those ones, the work of REFLECTION OF THE FLESH shown on “We Are Legion” is a terrible nightmare, indeed. The band’s music relies on a combination of elements between Groove Thrash Metal and Death Metal with some elements of Metalcore and modern tendencies (due the tunes used for the recordings of the guitars and some shifts on the rhythms, as heard on “We Are Legion”), but in a personal way that’s full of energy.

It’s different from the usual too, but will impose a heavy crush on the fans of any Metal genre. It’s truly very good, indeed. The band’s music was recorded, mixed and mastered in a form that the aggressive impact is clear, but with everything understandable for the ears, and with a clear dose of modern fixing on many parts. It’s a very good result, indeed. And the somber artwork, in reality, is just a ‘pissing-you-off’ poking fun with Christianity, Paganism, Satanism and Astrology.

All the 8 songs of “We Are Legion” are very good, but for a first time on the album, “Betrayed in Black” (a true mix between Groove Death Metal and Thrash Metal elements, with very good vocals being heard), “Lycoris” (a mastodonic weight is felt here, with thunderous work from bass guitar and drums), “We Are Legion” (with groove being unleashed in many moments, but with subjective melodies arising from the guitars in many moments), “Incestus Hominis” (the hooks on this one are hard to resist), and “God is Dead”. But all the others are as good as these ones.

“We Are Legion” is a very good and fun release, and REFLECTIONS OF FLESH is a very good band, indeed.

8 / 10









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"We Are Legion" Track-listing:
  1. Betrayed in Black
  2. Lycoris
  3. We Are Legion
  4. Dream State
  5. Incestus Hominis
  6. Grief Burnout
  7. God is Dead
  8. Midnight Confessions
Reflection of Flesh Lineup:

Philip Proite - Bass, Vocals
Garrett Smith - Guitars
Chris Oelke - Drums

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